US Bombs Australia

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As far as I know, the British just dumped them off there...and let them do whatever they want.

You know...Georgia, US was a penal collony too.
Simon said:
G W Bush basicly is our leader.
Really?????? :eek:

Nubius said:
too bad it wasn't a nuke...

Now that would improve the property value up in Northern Territory.

GameGURU said:
Nuh uh, I seen what them Kangaroo's do...

Went I was in the scouting movement, one of the guys came to the meeting looking like leather face from Texas Chainsaw Massicare movies.

He was trying his car when he nearly hit a kangaroo. The reason I say nearly hit was that the kangaroo jumped up and landed on in windscreen on the drivers side, and scratched face and more of his upper torso as it paniced to get out of the car.

He was not a pretty sight
Nubius said:
don't forget that dingos will eat your babies
that's come up in the media a few months back. There was some old farming sawing he saw a dingo with a bady in it's mouth about 20 years back.

It's yesterdays news, but it blunt of a lot of bad jokes when it comes down to australia.

Simon said:

Lets not forget the Strathfield Mall Massacre . That one freaked me out as I was there 2 hour before the incident.

And there is Backpacker Murder.

Currently right now we got some wak job that is kidnapping children that seems to be all over the press. :rolleyes:

Australia..... we got our fair share of wak jobs too.
apokalipse said:
Australia is less violent
They don't need to be. Other than the Germans in WWI/WWII, who the heck would want to invade Australia? It's like wanting to invade Canada or Mexico...or France...

apokalipse said:
have you seen bowling for columbine?
I know michael moore is biased, but it says:
there were 11,127 people killed by guns in the US (I forgot which year)
and about 65 in Australia.

Australia has a population of about 20 million, so 20,000,000 / 65 = 307692.30769230769230769230769231
the US has a population of about 300 million, so 300,000,000 / 11127 = 26961.445133459153410622809382583

307692.30769230769230769230769231 / 26961.445133459153410622809382583 = 11.412307692307692307692307692309
that's about how many times more likely someone will be killed by shootings in the US than in Australia according to the figures for that year.

Well, if only the numbers were that simple.

If we keep things that plain, and you assume everyone in both AU and USA has the same probability of being murdered (removing the aspects of population density, demographics, race, etc, society, etc), its a little different.

You get something like:

You'd have a 0.0037-percent chance of being murdered in the US.
You'd have a 0.0033-percent chance of being murder in AU.

There's not much of a difference.

But I'm not really sure what this has to do with a mechanical malfunction during a training excersize in Australia.
waynejkruse10 said:
I dont know how it is in the US, but have any of you been mugged?
No one in their right mind would mug me. There's much smaller targets on the street! LOL
never 'mugged' but in 6th grade this dude and two friends decided to jump me.....I'll be honest....this guy was already twice my size and each of his friends were too....even if it were only one guy I woulda had my ass handed to me, muchless with 2 others....cowardly bastards...oh well...last I heard that kid went to jail :p

that's just normal school shiz though...not really "Hey I'm walking down the street and I got mugged" kind of stuff
waynejkruse10 said:
I dont know how it is in the US, but have any of you been mugged?
I have.

20th Birthday. 1997
I just came back from the city. I was just around the courner where I was living. I had pocket organiser (AU$200), new jacket (AU$100), Wallet with $300 birthday money, and my old school bag ( AU$0.50c ) as falling appart with 2x 2ltr Diet Pepsi (2x AU$1.45 on Special).

There is this one corner where it's rather dark. These 2 guys walk up to me. One of them kicks me in the nuts. The other guy throws me in the ground. It was really fast.
ME :- (THINKING) ****! I am getting mugged.
So here i am in the bushes which these 2 shadowy figures Can I can only just make out what they were wearing.
So I start caculating the losses.
ME :- (THINKING) Pocket Organiser AU$200
ME :- (THINKING) PockNew Jacket. Just baught it today AU$100
ME :- (THINKING) Wallet Birthday money AU$300
MUGGER :- Give me ya ****ing bag or we kick the shit out of you.
ME :- (THINKING) Bag, falling to pieces with 2x bottles of diet pepsi on special at $1.45. He can keep the ****ing thing.
ME :- Take it, take it, don't hurt me.
They take the bag, they run.

For some stupid reason, I got up and gave chase.* I then see then get into a car. I memorise plates.
I then run home. Call police.

And they got busted later that night because the driver was caught speeding in the next suburb. And in his possession he had a bag with 2x of Diet Pepsi on Special $1.45

Can you say
OWNED!!!!! :D

They were able to busted the 2 people that mugged me as I put them up for assault charges. The "driver just thought he was picking up freinds". How ever he did get a speeding ticket.

I did not feel any pain that night, but the next day I was taking pain killers.
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