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Nubius said:

Todays metal....yeaaaaah.....what pisses me off about todays metal is IF....IF you can actually find a decent band with good riffs and a good're jamming the song then halfway through he goes into this whiney bltch voice with light!? Whatever happened to REAL metal in which it was just hardcore all the way through.

You'd also have to check out swedish bands, finnish, norweigen, that area...Metal is like mainstream over there....over here stupid ass 'hip hop' and overpaid bastards singing about stupid crap is mainstream....freakin hate it

lol, well put. i agree. i hate this nu/jump metal shit.

Well there are plenty of good ole death metal bands in usa, like Morbid Angel, Deicide, Cannibal Corpse etc. But for me the plain death metal got sort of boring. Nowadays scandinavian metal is where i get my kicks from. They got nice melodies and no "whining b1tch light singing". :)

btw, i also got em arch enemy albums. it's a swedish band, but the singer (female death grunts :eek::cool: ) comes from germany.
btw, i also got em arch enemy albums. it's a swedish band, but the singer (female death grunts ) comes from germany.
the female isn't with them during the earlier albums...I think most of them was without her actually and it's the later few that she came into play.
Avenged Sevenfolds Waking the Fallen and City of Evil Rule! but Metallica is good too, they have a good cover album. but seriously you guys gotta get your sevenfold on
Cant believe Metallica is still around honestly, geez, I used to listen to them back in like 1982-84. They had a few good tunes, nothing spectacular IMHO, they got worse once they hit the bigtime.
horndude said:
Cant believe Metallica is still around honestly, geez, I used to listen to them back in like 1982-84. They had a few good tunes, nothing spectacular IMHO, they got worse once they hit the bigtime.

they aint around, Im just re living the moment.

I love TF because they all like slayer, Hoooraaay!
Heard of the band mayhem? Apparently the guitarist had the nick name 'dead' and then later killed if that wasn't crazy enough the singer (I think) took a chunk of his brain and ate it, and if you're still not convinced they are psycho, took a chunk of the dudes skull and made a necklace from it lol.....that's some crazy stuff there.

I thought it was BS, but then I saw two different people telling me about that and then thought 'well snap guess it's true'
Cool! A Death Metal Quiz!

Yeah, I remember some of that stuff... in the early 90s these balck metal bands had some serious fun in Norway. Making a bon fires of old churches, doing graveyard sports and stuff. And also this one band member killing a guy from another band and then gettin some nice long inmate action... good thing that kids have hobbies.

Mayhem...actually I saw them recently. They haven't gone lame: all dudes had corpse paints and the singer was cutting his arm so that it would bleed nicely. Also they had two pre-cooked or whateva (pigs?) heads there on the stage and this singer was slicing and touching them and at some point he threw them in the crowd. But god will forgive them, so they're ok. I don't like the music very much though. I crave for melodic melodies.

Anyway, heil satan and such.
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