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Yeah, Metallica, just started listening to them. I can't believe I started so late, because this is probobly now my favorite band of all time.

just a quicky question, are they in the rock n' roll hall of fame?

Law said:
No their not in the hall of fame, not yet though. These guys have been around since the early 80s though.

My favorites song are Seek n Destroy, Fade to Black, Blackened...Battery..Creeping Death..there are so many but whatever they are great heavy metal band

I hear they will be nominated in 2008..or should I say "eligible"

thanks man.

I don't know about you guys, but my favorite song is ride the lightning and whiplash, their just plain out *****in'. I know they've been around since the 80's though, because, I love most 80's metal, not so much todays, just a little bit.

anyways, all their songs are awesome.
wow, you're ridiculously behind the times.... Metallica just pisses me off now...I used to like them a lot, but then after stupid ass Lars bltching over napster and, and I believe they were doing voices in a cartoon because his kid liked it....meh, I'm just really tired of them.

Todays metal....yeaaaaah.....what pisses me off about todays metal is IF....IF you can actually find a decent band with good riffs and a good're jamming the song then halfway through he goes into this whiney bltch voice with light!? Whatever happened to REAL metal in which it was just hardcore all the way through.

Fear Factory is the only band I'll recognize as being able to sing 'light' and scream as well.

You'd also have to check out swedish bands, finnish, norweigen, that area...Metal is like mainstream over there....over here stupid ass 'hip hop' and overpaid bastards singing about stupid crap is mainstream....freakin hate it

sorry for the rant :p I'm just picky about my music and the bastard bands and artists of today
I like the old Metallica. I have every single song by them.

Some of my favorites are:

No Leaf Clover
Nubius said:
wow, you're ridiculously behind the times.... Metallica just pisses me off now...I used to like them a lot, but then after stupid ass Lars bltching over napster and, and I believe they were doing voices in a cartoon because his kid liked it....meh, I'm just really tired of them.

I completely agree. (Though, not so much with the rest of the post :p)

The best Metallica is Kill 'Em All through Master Of Puppets. And Justice For All had no bass and sounded like crap, and the black album is just plain too poppy to be Metallica. Load/Reload were just plain disappointing. Definitely NOT Metallica. St Anger sounded like crap (i.e Lars' drumming sounded like it was on trash cans) but overall was a decent album, though, again, not typical Metallica.

They are my favorite band, although, Lars is a moneygrabbing whore and James is braindead (i say that because if you watch Some Kind Of Monster documentary, Lars suggests to cut the solos out because they are too "mainstream" when the solos are what got Metallica their money! Not to mention that there are ZERO solos in today's mainstream music! I say James is braindead because he just went along with it).
i have all their albums and like about 10 songs.

- One
- Orion
- No leaft clover
- Fuel

and more.
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