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I just want the balance between heavy death metal style guitars (which doesn't mean just the constant bass and snare going at 200bpm either) with a little lesser than death metal I said chimera is a rather new band that does it well, good guitars, no screamings then all of a sudden wussy ballad style singing halfway through.

martyr AD is pretty good, they've got some good songs, but like on their album human condition in twelve fractions it consists mainly of that bass and snare that just goes alternating as fast as they can with very little actual creative guitar playing.

I like it when it's got a decent pace going and then goes into that slow and heavy sound generally towards the end of the songs where it just sounds like they go all out...the whole bass and snare just goin BOOM DA BOOM DA BOOM DA BOOM DA as quick as they can with insensible guitars on every song just bugs the hell out of me.

My friend gave me like 900mb worth of various bands the other day at the LAN...none of them are that good really =/

Graveworm is aright, got this band trivium but they do the whole wussy singing half way through.

Don't know, guess I'm picky.

God forbid and Calaban are some pretty good bands though...they stick with some skillfull guitars and all understandable screaming...calaban I think has a couple parts on one of their albums where he does wussy singing, but it's tolerable cause they counter it with actual GOOD playing. Saw both of those guys playing live down here a few months ago, was pretty crazy, plus God forbid played a song off their new album

I personally need brutal vocals in my music. there might be some exceptions, but mostly that's the way for me. There are lots of nice songs that begin with good riffs and sounds, but when the singer goes power metal style I just can't stand it. As an antimatter of a fact, when I was younger I didn't even listen to any black metal, cause of the high pitch voice although it was still sorta grunting. But then I got over it and nowadays I love both black and death metal. With melodies. Some call it melo-metal. Yeah and some grindcore parts in a song are fine, but when it's constant grind core, thats boring.

But back in black (i like ac/dc btw, that's one of my exceptions). Heard any of those 90s black metal demos/reh tapes? Utter bull's excrement! Sounds are deliberately made fuzzy and shitty and the music's freaking fast so you can't really tell if there's any riffs or if it's just some general noise. brilliant. (dl some demos by mayhem/emperor/immortal/burzum/beherit/impaled nazarene or something like that and hear for yourself. or preferably don't.)
lol i heardf about the suicide eating brain making necklace thing too... kinda freaky... i thought it was pretty ironnic when Drowning pool's lead singer passed out and drowned in a pool of his own puke...
(which doesn't mean just the constant bass and snare going at 200bpm either)
Have you heard of Vital Remains? Their drummer is a god! He writes all the pieces and does that 200bpm thing as well. Freakin crazy. Listen to Dechristianize if you get a chance or Savior to none, failure to all. (Decrhistianized album)
Straight metal just got extremely borring to me.


Just straight beats with screaming vocals. I like more complex music anymore. Radiohead is the best band of our time :p

The hardest stuff I listen to anymore is Tool and Deftones. Both of those are VERY good. Maynard is just the shizil for shizil.
Radiohead is the best bad of our time
hell no!

Tool is aright, interesting music indeed.

Deftones I like their earlier stuff but like most bands they got progressively worse, and started using more and more effects which I can't stand....that's what korn did....was straight instruments in the beginning then it became all effect pedals and computers and crap
But oh yes, it is true, and I have proof. Although it is hidden deep in the trenchs of hell, and to get there is almost certain death...

Deftones I like their earlier stuff but like most bands they got progressively worse, and started using more and more effects which I can't stand
IDK, I think White Pony is there best album which is their third I believe.

BTW, if you like a more mellow side, Chino has a side project called "Team Sleep" which is very good.
IDK, I think White Pony is there best album which is their third I believe.
white pony is aright, but I was mainly referring to their latest one...forget the album name but it's main song was 'minerva' I believe......but yeah white pony is when they start going to the 'darkside' and start using effects and less rock and stuff.

It's all about the first two albums.

2nd album is my favorite though
Yall ever heard of a band called Murderdolls? Slipknots drummer Joey Jordison is th elead guitarist. I think they are great as in a classic kind of way. Somethng funny to listen to.
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