Why cant i have nice things (or people suck)

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Ya, thats basically how i drive at this point. I dont granny it and drive under speed limit, but i usually follow the flow of traffic. I see no point in burning an extra dollar in gas to get somewhere 30 seconds faster. Plus my car still has texas plates (in colorado) and the tags are out, so i tend to drive very stealthlike. I'm the wildebeast in the middle of the pack letting the other morons get picked off.

I think i'm just going to have my insurance pay for it, eat the 250$ deductible so that i know i'm getting my car taken care of properly (state farm) and then let them fight the other insurance company for the money. I'm really not in the mood to deal with some no name insurance agency that is only going to be concerned with getting me taken care of for as little as possible. At least with state farm they have always taken great care of me. Anyone ever heard of American Family Mutual?
Yep, State Farm, that's who my insurance is through. The premiums are a few bucks more, too, I think but it's worth it for that level of service and peace of mind. American Family, sounds like a company I've seen commercials on TV for. Is that the insurance the other guy has? I don't know anything about them and I'd do the same in your shoes. Better to trust the people who have your back even if it's a few bucks more.
I managed to find a place that can work me in. They said their first available date was the 28th, but seeing as my alignment is jacked and both front rims are probably bent to hello they are gonna work me in so i dont cause extra suspension damage. Now i get to drive a scooby around for the next week or so and see what its like to have all wheel drive. God today has given me a raging headache.

BTW, their insurance guy hasnt even called me back yet, mine called me back in under an hour.

As far as price of state farm, if you have a clean record and are over 25, its actually cheaper than a lot of places.
Accidents suck...kinda, exactly a month back i was sitting at a light tokin a bowl as usual and out of no where I get rear ended by some middle-aged lady. Pull into the shoulder. Its funny how the first words out of her mouth were "Slippery out today isnt it"...there was no ice. Oh did i mention she was drunk...ish. As I approached the lady she started blabbering about how insurance works and how we didnt need to call the cops (she put on a proffesional act, to say she deserved an oscar is an understatement). As she explains and hands me her insurance card i get a wiff of beer. By now im like rofls...I didnt care too much, she was nice, the damage wasnt bad, I wanted it to wrap up cuz I had a pint of JD waiting for me...just wanted to get on the same level. It all worked out great tho, and truly was a hilarous experience because here i was hotboxin my car and BOOM! lol.

2 weeks ago I got $1,600, and 200 was enough to cover the damage. :laughing:
You got a check for $1600 with damages only roughly $200? Was their inspection just way off or did you hurt your neck or what? I didn't know State Farm paid out like that!
Oh ya, did i mention that it was only 10F outside when this happened (no snow or ice). So here i am trying to write down all his info with a frozen pen, and my hands turning blue. Also, i have shoulder length hair, and it was still wet from the shower, ya, it froze almost solid.
Some insurance companys will give out the ***, when I had slight side damage from someone running into the side of my car, there insurance paid nearly $3000, they said all doors should be replaced on that side of my car, lmao, got junkyard doors, and now I am getting a nice new paint job :)
eh, they think you guys should get a REAL and DECENT repair but you guys go with junk and just paint over it. Pocket the cash if you want ;)
Ya, my car is only 3 years old, i plan to keep it looking nice until its at least 5, then i'll start letting it rack up dings and dents.
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