Who still plays TF2?

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I'm quite reciprocal actually haha, you'll help me and I'll help you!

But I think I might be extremely rusty at playing all my games after not playing it for almost a month
Ya I'm awful at spy and scout. I've been trying spy and have gotten slightly better at it but I still wouldn't even call myself an average spy.

I like to play sniper but I never do because of all the sniper whoring that has been going on since the update. I just stick to the other classes. Mainly heavy because thats where I really contribute. On Badwater with a good medic I can easily get 50 points in a round
I actually just got TF2 on my new steam account a few weeks ago. I enjoy playing it a lot actually. I guess you could say I'm not very skilled at it.

Favorite classes:
  1. Engineer
  2. Pyro
  3. Demoman
  4. Medic
  5. Heavy

If you guys want to add my steam account or something, its name is xGodlyPoison... I just ordered a new computer yesterday so I won't be on for quite a bit, but you can still add me. :)
I actually just got TF2 on my new steam account a few weeks ago. I enjoy playing it a lot actually. I guess you could say I'm not very skilled at it.

Favorite classes:
  1. Engineer
  2. Pyro
  3. Demoman
  4. Medic
  5. Heavy

If you guys want to add my steam account or something, its name is xGodlyPoison... I just ordered a new computer yesterday so I won't be on for quite a bit, but you can still add me. :)

I will add you later when I get home.

Favorite classes:
  1. Pyro
  2. Medic
  3. Engineer
  4. Heavy
  5. Demoman
I'm not very good either. I'd say I'm average. I'm decent enough so people never complain about my playing. UNlike me in L4D. I'm terrible at L4D. lol

Today I got a Triple Kill with one Deflected Rocket. The map was Dustbowl and I was inside the first capture point. I see a Medic Finishing ubering a soldier with a demo right behind them. They were all in order and the soldier fired the rocket and I alt fired and deflected it straight back through them all... It was sooo sweet. I play in no-heroes servers and they have all those quake sounds enabled... so I heard... TRIPLE KILLLLLLL!!!!

haha...that is just awesome!

I'm just average too, but I do have some pretty good rounds here and there were I'll rank top two or three on the server.

My favorite classes as of now are:

  1. Engie
  2. Pyro
  3. Heavy
  4. Soldier
  5. Medic
If I can get a sentry in a good spot I can seriously rake in some points/kills. I'm also loving the Pyro...which I used to hate.
Ok. We need to coordinate something at some point. I usually only play in no-heroes servers. I pay $4 a month via paypal subscription for VIP. IT's dirty cheap considering they have like 17 TF2 servers of everything popular. It's not a CLAN. It's just a gaming community.

I never wait for spots even if they are 32/32. They also have like 8 Private L4D servers for VIP's only. I've actually joined a few games and had a great time.
Does that $4 get you VIP access to all their servers on all games? That's really not bad for a reserved slot. I haven't play any other game recently because I'm totally into this game again! I'll hopefully be on tonight.
Does that $4 get you VIP access to all their servers on all games? That's really not bad for a reserved slot. I haven't play any other game recently because I'm totally into this game again! I'll hopefully be on tonight.

Here's a link to the benefits:
No Heroes VIP Benefits Package

I won't be on playing at all at night during the week, but I'll be on this weekend at various times. Perhaps this weekend at some "said" time we could play together.
That would be awesome if we could all get together.

I only really play on 2 servers. I'm in the EVGA clan (more of just a gaming community, I don't pay for it) so I'm on their server when its up (usually only at nights for some reason) or I'm on the SecondWindGaming server. I only play payload but I would be up for trying other game types. I've tried most of the others but nothing was as fun to me as payload. I guess there is such a heavy team aspect in it that really makes it fun for me.

Do you guys have mics?
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