What is the most intense reaction a game has given you?

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I don't about an intense reaction but an intense feeling when I'm racing in NFS and I'm taking every turn flawless and music is kicking in the room.

My friend did his business to a cinematic, not sure which game, but that must have been pretty intense. ;)
Well, it wasn't my reaction, buy it was my brother when we were playing Silent Hill at like 1am and the whole house was silent and all of the sudden I let out a huge sneeze. Wow, I never saw anyone get so freaked out :p

To be Honest, I HAVE had an intense reaction to games on occasion, but itÂ’s not what youÂ’re referring to. The only intense reaction I would have to a game is when it does something STUPID! Like the time I was Playing Enter the Matrix, and I shot some guy Point-Blank, FOUR TIMES!! And he still wasnÂ’t dead! And the time I was Shooting some guy with a PSG1, And the bullets were going in the OPOSITE DIRECTION!!! Inadvertently KILLING ME!! I went CRAZY on that system that day. Punching it. KICKING it! Even spewing profanities at it! ItÂ’s the first time IÂ’ve ever gotten angry about something. *Literally* Other than that, nothing really excites me muchÂ… (Really good topic though.):mad: :cool:
Whenever i was about 10 i used to love to play Shadowrun on Sega. I would sometimes stay up all night to play it, and one night i was doing a job where you would go to this building and kill these zombies for 50 bucks a pop, after about killing 5 or 6 of them with that creepy music i had to call a quits!
Maniac Mansion on the NES scared me, seriously - don't laugh. Getting caught by a member of the creepy family spooked me.

Resident Evil isn't fit to lick the boots of Maniac Mansion.
At the first LAN party I went to, going to sleep after hours of Call of Duty and finding myself sweeping the back of my eyelids for snipers
alienAntFarm said:
Downhill domnation is the game that has u locked in i couldnt put the controller down for at least6 to 8 hours a day. A game has never done that to me

Do u ride downhill by any chance?
I gotta grudge with AvP 2. Me and a buddy were playing that late one night, when one of the face0-huggers jumped up on the screen. You can hear those mofos coming with that creapy sound, but by then its too late... I freaked out and grabed my own face. Worst part was, I had a witness.
I have anxiety, sometimes it's bad sometimes not.. but cigarettes help me keep calm regardless.. let's just say when I entered the cave in FarCry.. I was smoking like a madman lol.. That game gave me such an adrenaline rush.. and my anxiety and like.. ahhhhh hehe my heart was just pounding the rest of that game.. was a great game and I've never had a game do that to me so.. 2 thumbs up from me =)
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