Level the volume of all your mp3 files

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Golden Master
MP3 collections grow over time. You rip some CDs, record Internet radio, get some files from friends, download music from the Internet or purchase stuff in an online store. After a while you have got thousands of mp3 files from different sources and a problem. The problem is that the volume of these files does not appear to be the same. It happened before that I was constantly rising and lowering the volume when playing music on my mp3 player.
That is, until I decided to level the volume for all mp3 files and get rid of this problem. I'm performing the same operation for every new mp3 file that I add to my collection before I add it. This ensures that I can always enjoy the same volume level on all of my mp3 files.
The best program in my experience is MP3 Gain. Usage is straightforward. Select files or folders and add them to MP3 Gain. Once they have been added you click on Track Analysis. MP3 Gain analyzed all selected tracks and displays information about them in the program interface.
Once the analysis has been completed you simply click on Track Gain to level the volume of all analyzed tracks. The volume will be adjusted on all tracks. Make sure you update your mp3 collection on your mp3 player as well.

Level the volume of all your mp3 files : Welcome To Tech-Dump
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