Its A Scam

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thats exactly what they wouldnt do, they would never create a virus that can only be detected by their own virus scanner because then that would be way to obvious, they would get caught for fraud right away. they are smarter than that, a lot smarter, remember these people are billionaires, they didnt become rich by being stupid, they straight up hustle people.
i once had adware/spyware on my computer and there was a bunch of pop ups, and one of the pop ups said "you have adware, you need to buy this product to eliminate your adware" and i knew it was the adware/spyware scanner companies who created the pop up, who else could it be?
hard_assteel said:
i once had adware/spyware on my computer and there was a bunch of pop ups, and one of the pop ups said "you have adware, you need to buy this product to eliminate your adware" and i knew it was the adware/spyware scanner companies who created the pop up, who else could it be?

1.) you're a adware/spyware are everywhere and they work wonders
2.) you still didn't say how much you make a month, so i'm just gonna assume you're 30 still living off your mom until you tell me
the free ones are the good ones because they don't do it for business they do it to help people out and people who are starting up their own security software give it out for free its a form of advertising, and once their product gets good and popular then they start charging people.
let me make something specific, not all security companies are out and trying to put viruses into peoples computers, only the smart rich businessmen that know how to make money are. Such as norton
Imagine if there were no viruses on computers then the security software people wouldnt let their billion$ business fail(norton), they would start infecting computers to sell. make $$$$$$$
ShoobieRat said:
...And the only thing the AV companies are guilty of is monopolizing on a facet of the market.
The only thing that I find that the AV company's are guilty of doing is hiring the people that created the virus after they have served a little a jail time. As IT Sercurity Consultant, it finally put there creative skills to a good use.

How is the AV companies monopolizing the market?
Like if you don't like Norton's, use McAfee.
If you don't want to pay for McAfee, use AVG.

As for the corporate solutions, I do know of a few computer consultants that are installing LINUX file walls or other hardware solutions that filter out virus, adware and spam.

hard_assteel said:
the free ones are the good ones because they don't do it for business they do it to help people out and people who are starting up their own security software give it out for free its a form of advertising, and once their product gets good and popular then they start charging people.
let me make something specific, not all security companies are out and trying to put viruses into peoples computers, only the smart rich businessmen that know how to make money are. Such as norton
Imagine if there were no viruses on computers then the security software people wouldnt let their billion$ business fail(norton), they would start infecting computers to sell. make $$$$$$$
Mate, I have seen seeing you spout crap about money and virus and security company. It's time for you to put your money where your mouth is and start talking by giving examples of where a software company has dilerately created a virus just so they can get rich. Otherwise.....

The thing with Nortons and McAfee is that they really don't need to go about creating virus as they a lot of thier corporate solutions subscriptions seems to be letting them role in the money as it.

Anti Virus is a little more that just a software/hardware package. It's also support. I commented about those LINUX fire wall that a few of my clients are setting up. If some thing goes wrong, they got to support it. And again, that is where a software subscription comes into place. Otherwise, AU$120+GST per hour for Adhock Support.

As an IT consultant, I rather that people enjoy their computers, and not have to worry about the constant head aches that virus and spam and spyware causes. Personally i rather my clients put their money into newer tech., as appose to paying me my hourly rates just because "Hadly Down Loaded A Virus."
i seriously doubt there are people who put viruses out on computers for fun as a hobby, and i'm not saying that there isnt people who do that, all i'm saying is that there is no point in sending out viruses unless your gonna make money off of it.
You want proof? just look at how rich mcafee and norton is.
My advice is to use linux and free security software, that is the best way to go about it.

And i don't care that norton, mcafee, and microsoft straight hustle people out of their money, as long as they don't do it to me.
They are good businessmen and they are richer than me so i respect that.

some people hustle and some people get hustled, 95% of the world gets hustled, 5% hustle
hey ausie...oops i meant to say harper, why don't you start letting people know that all they have to do is backup their files and reinstall their os if anything happens to their computers, then that way you can be out of a job.
I didnt want to make fun of you but you forced to make fun of you, i hope it makes you feel bad, and i hope you realize that your job is worthless...i didnt say anything, you said this to yourself.

because if your computer is really infected it doesnt matter how much scanners you have or how much technical support you have it will take a long time and it would not be worth it, it would be easier to reinstall everything buddy, and i have had an av before i never said i didnt pussy... i mean retard...i mean static
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