Its A Scam

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hard_assteel said:
thats exactly what they wouldnt do, they would never create a virus that can only be detected by their own virus scanner because then that would be way to obvious, they would get caught for fraud right away. they are smarter than that, a lot smarter, remember these people are billionaires, they didnt become rich by being stupid, they straight up hustle people.

you're just jealous because you're stuck in walmart making seven fifty an hour



btw, you have no fact to prove your statements, ok wigger?

btw, if you're so well off, you'd never use "straight up hustle people" or cry about viruses to people who don't give a sh.t about you online
you two must be rich, because you two doesn't know the concept of programming, or more importantly, the concept of a good challenge.. There is no money involved in Einstein discovering releativity, he just loves it. Samething with programming, people just loves the challenge of finding new holes in a OS to exploit, it also gains them respect in the circle they care about..

so stop your soporific rantings, and get a life..
OMG.. have you people not yet relized that JINGLEBOB AND DUMBASS ARE THE SAME PEOPLE!!!

freaking lame.... i can tell for 3 reasons
he double even triple post
he has no post count just as dumbass does (12 or so)
same freaking excuses....

o and your probably going to be banned....
jinglebob said:
Hey I agree with hard assteel that anti-virus companies could be behind the virus producing concept. Im not saying they are for sure, but it doesnt seem farfetched. What most likely would take place is that the company would pay smart individuals that are not related to the company in any way to produce viruses and disperse them on to the online community and so forth. There are rules that these businesses have to follow, but many of them usually bend them to their bidding and slam the consumer to make more of a profit. This isnt just pertaining to the computer industry, but with anything else as well.

wow, you both must be 10 then...

btw static, it's pretty obvious...i jus didn't say anything :p
well, we do know that windows purposely has lots of bugs, so people have to consistently upgrade. It's not against the law to make bad software, it's the fact that it's so user friendly that people buy it.
hey diablo2 i havent talked to you lately buddy, wait i havent even talked to you at all ahahah, so you think your smart? thats cool that you "think" you think too much.
1st off diablo2 i dont work at walmart pussy.
2nd off if you read carefully on what i had to say you will find proof and facts, that is if you know how to read.
3rd diablo2 is for gay people
4th i'm mexican and i'm not a wigger
5th i made 30 grand in commission last month selling real estate.
6th people like me thats why started my post, i run shit, look at this whole post and how interesting it is. People care because they respond back to me.
7th hustling is a term used in the work i do

oh yeah and i forgot to say that you are gay shittalker, just like the rest of them, i never said anything to you.
your a dumbass because everything you say is directed towards everyone.. o and about me being gay? lmao... ok since i "type" gay im considered a homosexual... how stupid are you exactly?

sooo yeah your getting banned :D i wouldnt doubt it at all
apokalipse, no_wedge and jinglebob are have been the smartest ones to respond to my post, at least we know some people actualy see the light of day
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