Interview the person below you

Yep. I watch a tooooooonnnn of shows. Family Guy, American Dad, Falling Skies, The Walking Dead, South Park... Others, can't think of any off the top of my head :tongue:

Do you subscribe to a music streaming service? (Spotify, Google Music All Access, etc)
Nope. I avoid any kind of subscription if at all possible. The one exception would be satellite radio if I had the capability in my car... and since I don't it is not a problem. ;)

If you had the choice of vacations, would you rather have a quiet one with those closest to you or a party kind with lots of strangers (think huge festival of some kind)?
^ quiet one, either alone or with family.

are you a lefty or righty? (not political... do you write with your left or right hand :tongue:)
I write with my right hand, and I'll be honest it wasn't up until Hi School I couldn't wright properly at all, as I used to hold the Pen\Pencil between my Index Finger and thumb, were as now I'll hold it with my index thumb and middle finger, for better stability and less stress not causing blisters.

Q: Do you Worry about you Health. Are you a Health freak as in go to the Gym mabie and or at least once a week. How do you look after your self. Do you eat all the healthy foods you can. Follow the Doctors or national advice down to the letter: EG: 8 Hours Sleep. Fresh Fruit and Veg everyday, and exercise for 15 Minutes, not sit at the Computer for more than an Hour! Are you a Health Freak?
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^ nope. I generally try to eat somewhat healthy, but I'm not crazy about it.

How do you like your coffee? How much cream and sugar? What kind of cream? What kind of sugar? :tongue:
Confession: I don't like coffee! I drink lots of tea though. One small spoonful of sugar, small bit of milk.

Do you own a car?
^ Yep, paid it off about three months ago! woohoo!

What are the specs of the device you are using currently to respond to this thread?
Launch Commander.
But no seriously, Linux Systems Administrator is a title I'd like to have.

When was the last time you called your mother?? :tongue:
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