Interview the person below you

I smoked cigarettes.
No iPhone for me....not that crazy about Apple's proprietary stuff
I'd like to visit several places, Alaska, Australia, Russia and possibly Ireland too
What's your favorite Beer|Alcoholic drink or for some others....drugs?
Don't like beer much, When really drinking shots of Yukon Jack is my preference, but usually Captain and coke keeps me going.

If you were offered 10 mil to be in the center of a circle jurk and nobody would ever tell about it, would you take the 10 mil lol (Ajacks is banned from this question)
I smoked cigarettes.
No iPhone for me....not that crazy about Apple's proprietary stuff
I'd like to visit several places, Alaska, Australia, Russia and possibly Ireland too
What's your favorite Beer|Alcoholic drink or for some others....drugs?
Wanted to answer this one too. I prefer Guinness or Sam Adams for beer, or Morgan and wild cherry Pepsi for a nice drinky drink. Although that being said, at Quakecon it's ALWAYS long island.

Don't like beer much, When really drinking shots of Yukon Jack is my preference, but usually Captain and coke keeps me going.

If you were offered 10 mil to be in the center of a circle jurk and nobody would ever tell about it, would you take the 10 mil lol (Ajacks is banned from this question)
Not much info but I'd say yes if I'm just standing there clothed in the center of a circle jerk. I'm safe enough with my sexuality it wouldn't bother me. Give me dat 10 mil son! Then when people asked me, I'd tell them anyways. "Yea, I got 10 mil for standing in the middle of a bunch of gay dudes. No big".
If you were offered 10 mil to be in the center of a circle jurk and nobody would ever tell about it, would you take the 10 mil lol (Ajacks is banned from this question)

Yes I would.
$10,000,000 is no laughing matter :tongue:

If you were offered a seat on SpaceX's flight to Mars, would you go? (I was asked this at work yesterday)
I would only go after it becomes proven that it's pretty safe. Not worth risking otherwise in my opinion.

What YouTubers do you regularly watch, if any?
I would only go after it becomes proven that it's pretty safe. Not worth risking otherwise in my opinion.

What You Tubers do you regularly watch, if any?

A lot of You tubers I find absolutely just pain full to watch. I mean, have you seen the quality of PewDiePie Videos. What are they about? Why do I need to watch someone being pranked, or something were as someone will hurt them selves!. I'm not in to that but I do watch a lot of Music Videos on YouTube. I love the 80s and 90s Stuff on their as their is a lot of "old skool" to be had and enjoyed. Alot of stuff I just find Pointless..

Please bier with me upon reading this question.

Q: How do you want to Die? Old, in your Bed, warm and with a full belly. Do you want to go out this world on a High, partying or when the inevitable comes, do you want to be married and have a life times worth of happiness.
A lot of You tubers I find absolutely just pain full to watch. I mean, have you seen the quality of PewDiePie Videos. What are they about? Why do I need to watch someone being pranked, or something were as someone will hurt them selves!. I'm not in to that but I do watch a lot of Music Videos on YouTube. I love the 80s and 90s Stuff on their as their is a lot of "old skool" to be had and enjoyed. Alot of stuff I just find Pointless..

Please bier with me upon reading this question.

Q: How do you want to Die? Old, in your Bed, warm and with a full belly. Do you want to go out this world on a High, partying or when the inevitable comes, do you want to be married and have a life times worth of happiness.

Hopefully on Mars ;)

What do you do for a living?
I'm a machinist, have many custom made parts on my street bike and dirt bike and now my riding mower lol (it was in need of repair so why pay for parts I can make)

If you could go back in time for a do over for just one event what would it be and what would you do differently know what you know now?
I would go back to the morning my girlfriend died, and I would call her. I would delay her so she wouldn't have been in the exact place she was to collide with a bus. I would give anything I have now to have that opportunity.

If you could change anything about history, aside from being the inventor of something wildly successful, what would it be?

Sent from my handheld telephonic computermajiggy
Someone's cutting onions in this house.
I am sorry for your loss.

I'd toss the Dark Ages aside. Who knows how much more technologically advanced we'd be!

Do you pick your nose?
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