H4x3r is Happy!

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Time Warner is so big they could care less about these lawsuits. What I don't get is how the same company that offered RoadRunner High Speed Online can offer the crap that is AOL and even be more effective selling it.
i got comcast with i think 8.0mbps (fast as **** no... faster than ****) and my parents and brother still use aol but i use the mighty FIREFOX!
but scince aol is still on my computer i get the little ****ing computer checkup evertime i boot up windows and spyzapper and it ****es me off more than my dell, playing soccer or volleyball in gym, this little queer kid that touches everyones *** in my school(and my school is full of rednecks), people who say Halo 2 is better than life (friend tommy), umm and my other friend who thinks he could PWN me on counter-strike but has never played a PC shoter in his life just because he kick's *** at halo 2 and i suck because halo 2 sucks.

as you can see alot of things **** me off.

and i cuss alot.
MrZucchiniHead said:
in my school(and my school is full of rednecks)

You'll find later in life that those people are a gift from God. If the town has a population larger than 30,000, turn around and drive the other way.

yeah i like livin in a small town but a lot of **** goes down but not by my house, so i dont hear the sirens at nite and sleep peacefully. exept for that one nite when that guy got drunk, was goin 120 down my road and smacked a tree head on 2 houses down the road. it couldn't sleep for a week.
I would suggest getting as much wood, corpses, dead animals together, and have an enormous bLaZE of victory! Gather friends and family alike and dance around it with large efigies of AOL reps strung up around poles while you repeatedly stab them with overgrown fingernails and shards of broken glass! (consult a good local voodoo practitioner for better effect on the AOL reps). You shall then file your teeth down to points and go forth seeking annoying little yip dogs and overdramatic teen girls who are worthless in every way possible, upon the discovery of these two beings proceed to bite off their paws/toes and eat their ears. (destroying a richie girls fragile little life would be glorious). Only then shall you know the truth.
We still get those stupid aol 3 month free cds in the mail and they won't stop comming. Now I'm pretty sure that we have enough of those cd s to get 10 years worth of free aol, lol
who cares about free AOL...it's like "Runin your computer for 3 months FREE!!!"
I've been on broadband for about 1 1/2 years now. I don't think there would be any point in living if I was forced to go back to dial up. Have fun with it! There are so many things you will find to be able to download. ;)
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