You know it's Monday when...

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You know it's Monday, when Sunday at work your boss asks you why you have a problem with a co-worker and you tell him. Monday he tells the co-worker what you said, and lies to him about another co-worker, and they both continue to talk **** about you.

God I can't wait to quit this job.
You know that is a monday when you send your business cards off to the printer. They are demanding PDF format and it take about 3 email before they can finally open or use the file.

And they get all crossed eyed at you just becuase you don't have a copy of Adobe Acrobat Professional in your office.

[EDIT]Now that they finally have a document that they can open, there is some random character that are showing up BOLD. The reply was that they could not do any thing and if it was possible for me to send back the artwork in Adobe Illustrator

Is it just that I work in a computer shop, or do printers think that every one happens to have a copy of Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator, PhotoShop and InDesign just around the office[/EDIT]
I know it's not Monday still, but I forgot about this one;

You know it's monday when you have a user that somehow forgets how to use the application that they've been using day in and day out for the past 4 years, and thinks that it's somehow your fault because you broke it... and you have to calmly and patiently explain to them how to use something that they've been using (supposedly) for years.
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