WOW Qestion

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I have a grown daughter, and I know going half-way still enables them. You have to make a clean break. While it is painful at the time, and will be for a while afterwards (it takes a while to heal), eventually it will be seen for what it was... the only way a parent could reach in and help free them from themselves.

Sometimes the easy way just ain't the easy way.

I have never played WoW, but I really, really don't need to. I have an obsessive personality, and something like that would just feed the tendency.
oh ok then if you say so, I guess maybe cause I don't have kids thats why I think differently from you then.
Hey I would like to know if anyone here on tech forums would be interested in forming a clan on World of Warcraft. Give me a shout if any of you guy like the idea. And not lame wise cracks on the game please guys, cause I have heard far enough of them ok.
It would be nice for some guys to help out with other quests, I'm working on an "elite" quest and I'm trying to get random peopel to join my group to help me but obviously not.

I actually found 2 other people on another quest and we just owned :D Finished it under 10 minutes. It was awesome.
Just make sure we're all in the same server, I'm in Malygos or however you spell it, normal. I also have another character in Akama PvP server. level 5.

>> I to am hooked on WoW somewhat, just started friday on a 10-day free trial, level 11 :freak:
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