WOW Qestion

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Ste, you quoted yourself, lol. I know, you wanted to quote Trotter but you clicked the wrong "quote" button. Still, it was funny.

Trotter said:
^^^ A sign of a truly sick mind...

I concur, dear sir. But would you think different if I had said "programming" instead of "doing math"?
I wouldn't have mind if you had said programming but to say math dude that is really the sign of a sick mind.
Well, MurdaX, you should know the type of skills and mindset required for programming are exactly the same required for math. It's then no wonder why Computer Sciences originally branched off Mathematics.

And lol, Ste... Soph Math includes complex numbers? Or did you mean x^2 - 25 :p
Dude Maths really hurt my brain, But I guess I just have to do it. Anyway I thought this thread was for World of Warcraft so please do not change the topic please. I really like the topic but please do it in another thread.
MurdaX said:
Dude Maths really hurt my brain, But I guess I just have to do it. Anyway I thought this thread was for World of Warcraft so please do not change the topic please. I really like the topic but please do it in another thread.

Dude! I got a freind of mine that will gladly go on and on and on about the maths of World Of Warcraft. To him, it much more than just a game.
Then again, this is a guy that get paid AU$1200 per week to trouble shoot databases.
When it comes down to WOW, he's a human WOW Talent/Skills Calculator. WoW is all about maths and Number crunching to him.

It's scary.
When I played Ragnarok Online, I had programmed several Excel macros to help me calculate many stats related to the game. It's so fun!
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