WOW Qestion

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Nah, not yet, I'm still a noob in this game. I'm lvl 16 hehe, and I don't have much time to play.
MurdaX said:
So have you done one for World of Warcraft yet dude, that would be really kool.
You can easily frind talent calculators online. Of course there is my friend, but he's just a freak when it comes to numbers.
yeah I have heard about that but don't know how it works really to make the best character. Well don't worry I haven't played the game as yet. I am waiting until I get a new gaming laptop next year summer before I actually start playing the game but maybe if you are still playing the game maybe we can play together.

And hey Harper have your friend made any good dual sword wielding character, cause thats how I want my first character to be.
Hey guys I am thinking about playing World of Warcraft as soon as I get my new gaming computer. So I was planning and wondering if any of you guys would like to start a clan of TF members so just give me a shout if you guys are interested.
Preacher said:
It wont(it will work) but it work on your social life i suggest not playing it....

My son is adicted, 24 and unemploeyed and 60 dys from being homeless (my decision). Rediculous time consuming life force vampire, as fas as I am concerned.:amazed:
RicoDirenzo said:
My son is adicted, 24 and unemploeyed and 60 dys from being homeless (my decision). Rediculous time consuming life force vampire, as fas as I am concerned.:amazed:
Sounds like you are giving him the shape up or ship out order there.
no man that would be going to far just give him a out-dated pc that way he can't play wow and he still can use the net.
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