whats a good horror game?

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I am looking for a good horror game I don't care what system dose anyone know any good ones?
Go with Condemned: Criminal Origins.

Or.. Stay Alive.

I saw it, was a good movie, atleast I thought.
FEAR is really scary. Doom3 relies on scaring you by zombies jumping out cupboards and it gets really old quite quick. But FEAR gives you proper horror, it gives you the "jump" factor like doom but it also gives you physcological horror aswell and the story is quite disturbing. The only other thing that I've played recently that scared me was the Criminal origins demo for the pc. The full game comes out in April and I'll definetly be getting it. It gives you a more "real" approach, as your a cop and your chasing down a serial killer, which makes a difference to just chasing around monsters or ghosts.
Heres some good ones that havnt yet been mentioned:

If you like oldschool adcenture games, (free legally) try:
5 days a stranger, 7 days a skeptic

If you are prepared to get horrified try System shock 2, it blows any other game away in terms of scarieness.

Resident evil 4 was also very fun, although not too scary.

Fear and doom 3 have already been mentioned, FEAR is more scary then doom 3 and both are fun. System shock 2 is much more scary then either of these.
For the PC in no particular order

Alien V Predator
System shock 2 (I didn't find this scary at all, but ppl always quote it)
Clive barker's undying
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