What instrument to you play?

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What are you some PRO or something? ... How you get to become famous and perform gigs lol?
Techincaly in the music business if you get payed to play then it makes you a pro, dosent mean im famous. Both of my bands played out except ABE didnt play very much. When you play enough gigs you get a crowd that follows you around and like you and tell other ppl to come. Next thing you know alot of ppl show up at the gigs and if you interact w/ the crowd alot like i do you get the chicks. The way you play gigs is if your good enough ppl will come to you and ask you to play. If not or you dont get around then you can make a promo pack and give the managers of bars and clubs the promo pack and if they like you they will hire you. Simple as pie.
What are you some PRO or something? ... How you get to become famous and perform gigs lol?
jeez dude, quit making it sound like he's freakin mcjagger from the rolling stones. You're taking things he says and turning it into this grandiose scene in your mind or something.

He's not playing a huge sell out concert with 100,000 fans or something.

PP, if you're supposedly, so pro and have been with "all these gigs and bands" and crap like that, then how about a sample of your music. I'd find it hard to believe with all this supposed expertise and experience that you have absolutely no music that'd you be able to link and share with the rest of TF.
I never said i was so pro or anything. I said i was "technicaly" pro because ounce you get paid for your first gig playing out your considered profesional. It even states in the Texas UIL that if you are in a profesional band then your not supposed to play in marching band. I do it anyways, small town. ANywho, ive only recorded w/ ABE and everything is on tape. My dad does not let me use his stuff unless hes running sound for us so we cant use his stuff to record. Also, i believe ive posted a coupe of time the **** recording of us from summer 2004. Not something im proud of and i quit that band because we wernt very good after our basist left.
there was that one thread with the 'post your guitars' that you made where uzi asked if anyone could play it and asked for people to post their stuff. I don't remember you posting in there if you did.

Besides you have talked of your 5700 that's like an ATI All in wonder that you used to make 'killer sounding recordings on it' so what happened to stuff via that?
That was just me screwin around on guitar. HDs crash at LANs and i have ONE shitty recording that i managed to save to my net machine. The 5700 has been fried since december. I even made a trhead about it. Never a full band recording that way. If i lugged my PC to our pratice room then maybe. But that never happend. One of the biggest reasons i want a laptop is to do just that.
I know your 5700 died and I remember the thread about it, but I also remember you talking about how you were recording and would make it 'sound awesome' and clear and stuff with it, so with that, one would assume you'd have something to show for it.

I mean come on, all these 'bands and gigs' and crap you've done, and theres not a single recording of anything?
Dabled in most instruments, excelent in flute and guitar(I prefer classical style), actually tried the live band thing, it definitely wasn't for me, took up vocals and became a proficient song writer along the way, for a long while now I've simply lost the desire to play anymore, I blame the government of course.

OHH MAN!! I love playing drums and guitar LIVE!! Its such a great feeling to play to a screaming croud. Specialy when your playing lead guitar to a song everybody likes and you jump on the dance floor and chicks like go all over you.
quote:(P.P. Mguire).

Your response is quite uplifting, my experience was never so great in reguards to playing in a band, I never got to sing, I certainly played, I could never jump to the dance floor(of course that would leave off playing); I apreciate your response.
Piano (see avatar). Pretty much my whole life. I play other keyboards as well (mainly Rhodes, and B3, but Clavinet and synths sometimes as well).

By the way, I disagree with the statement that you "become pro" after playing a paid gig. I'd say you're "pro" if you make a living off of if, or even if you gig very frequently. You don't automatically get that designation when you do the occasional gig, even if you get paid for it. By that definition, I'd have been "pro" since...hmm...grade nine, I think.
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