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It's so sad for me :(. I just quited the guitar and i have to go back the the old classic piano :(
Kazama said:
It's so sad for me :(. I just quited the guitar and i have to go back the the old classic piano :(

What does "the old classic piano" mean? For that matter, what does "quited" mean? And what is specifically sad?
So many weird questions for you "Canadian".

First it's a piano... Look, the guitar to the piano makes it seem to classic (Rock etc.)

2nd Do you not under stand QUIT?.. Q-U-I-T? .... Still?.... QU FREAKIN IT!!..... CMON! ..... I drop out ... yeah, that's what i thought :angry:

Now you want to know the meaning of sad?..... SAD!.... I MEAN I WANT TO GO BACK TO GUITAR!.... GUITAR!!.......
Dude, calm down. Your talkin to a mod like that....not to smart. Anyhow.
I know your 5700 died and I remember the thread about it, but I also remember you talking about how you were recording and would make it 'sound awesome' and clear and stuff with it, so with that, one would assume you'd have something to show for it.

I mean come on, all these 'bands and gigs' and crap you've done, and theres not a single recording of anything?
Did you not read? Ive been to 5 LAN parties since then and at the one my HD crashed and i had to reinstall XP 6 times (long story, basicaly saying i was pretty stupid lol). After that is when i got smart to back up all my stuff and realized my LAN machine wasnt invinsible to HD crashes. Also, these arent gigs at the Nokia Theater so why would we record a gig? Actualy come to think about it the only time we ever thought of recording is when we couldnt get all together. Bummer. I mean if i was Jimmi Hendrix i would be recording all my jams and gigs, but im not and i dont carry a pro tape recorder in my back pocket. And even if i did i have no way of getting it on my PC now. Like i said i only have 3 recordings of ABE that i have already put on here from summer of 2004 and they suck. If you wanna hear em that bad then go find them.
Your response is quite uplifting, my experience was never so great in reguards to playing in a band, I never got to sing, I certainly played, I could never jump to the dance floor(of course that would leave off playing); I apreciate your response.
I had a wireless so i could go to the dance floor w/ my guitar. I didnt sing back ups or anything so i could go anywhere i wanted to and play. Its hard though cause you cant hear yourself very well from the floor. Leaving that monitor at your foot is a bummer.
By the way, I disagree with the statement that you "become pro" after playing a paid gig. I'd say you're "pro" if you make a living off of if, or even if you gig very frequently. You don't automatically get that designation when you do the occasional gig, even if you get paid for it. By that definition, I'd have been "pro" since...hmm...grade nine, I think.
In the music business as soon as you make your first dollar you become pro really now. Not like pro like Motley Crue pro or anything but pro as in against UIL rules in high school. I dont think they would have had those UIL rules when you where 9 so idk. Times are different in the music business.
I played the drums in jr high, but not very well. I have 2 guitars and several learning books and cds that are all gathering dust, but are otherwise in "only used once" condition. I do, however, have an excellent voice.

So if it weren't for the voice I could be in a band. :p
Did you not read?
jesus christ, dont start that little stupid crap "DID YOU NOT READ MY POST!?", that's just ridiculous. Of course I don't remember every little stupid detail of your posts and what's happened in your life.......that should be a freakin given.

OH YEAH, of COURSE, PP's been to 5 lans and his HD crashed, jeez, how could I have forgotten, because my life just revolves around memorizing everyones posts and what's happened to them with their hardware. Give me a dang break. Regardless, it just seems one thing after another, one reason coming up every time as to why you've got nothing recorded.

DJ-Chris......if I asked him he'd be able to give me a recording of something he's done I'm sure....Hygor is the same, Eagleboy the same, but you who seems to proclaim to have all this experience with recording, and playing with bands and gigs, have nothing at all? Come on.........if you were wanting to go 'pro' and make a name for yourself, and make a band, I've never heard of bands NOT making atleast a single recording of something of theirs. There just so happens to be all these circumstances that prevents it from happening with you.....ridiculous

If you want to know why it seems like I'm making a big deal out of this, it's the simple fact that you talk about all these intstruments you play, and your love for the guitar, and as another guitar player, I want to hear it, especially if you're saying you've been in these 'bands' key thing to notice is it being plural there so I want to hear what kind of sound and music you play. Not just read "Oh I play this this and this".

Paid = Professional
.......no. Just like with anything else be it music or sports, you can be amatuer and still be paid.

Once your name is known by a lot of people and you are making money to the point of sustaining your life with all your bills etc, etc....THEN you're pro. Going out and doing a gig at a coffee shop and getting paid maybe $10 doesn't mean you're a pro.
No offense man but your post count says otherwise (thats only a joke) Look ive told you time and time we HAVE made a recording. ABE and Seize the Day was the last bands i was in. Before that i was w/ my dad in a band called 451 and amatuer bands that never made it out of the garage. ABE, Seize the Day, and 451 where the only ones good enough to play out. ABE played stuff like prom, parties, after prom, homecoming dance, and stuff like that and never made it to a club because my dumbass bass player never wanted to go get gigs. He though making originals was better and to me they always sucked *** and i would be to embarrassed to even consider recording that. Exactly the reason i quit. 451 was just me and a bunch of old guys rockin out and we played in biker bars. Not to mention my dad even being the PRO sound guy he is not to mention a player he still dosent carry recording equipment everywhere w/ him. Now it was dumb not to record Seize the Day cause we where awesome even being w/ them for about a month and a half. Musicaly i had the most fun w/ those guys and the gigs where great even being places like Deep Ellum clubs, Sherlocks, and stuff like that. In that band is where i did the whole dance floor thing. Been in many bands i have yes, succesful enough to record? No, not at all except 2. Like i said w/ ABE we have 3 recordings from summer 2004 thats here somewhere and been posted and THEY SUCK!! No way in any way am i proud of those but hey, we where still getting started. Somewhere i have a tape of me playing in a band called Undefined for my sophmore talent show but finding that in my dads mess of a closet is almost impossible. Trust me ive tried, i miss those days. Where as fellow guitars players getting there stuff online well, i cant seem to get Putfile to work right. Ive tried hosting ABE on there a couple of times as well as different things and it says wrong media format. DJ-Chris is digital so its easy for him to get it to PC where as me its hard now that i have no way at all to get it in there. I can understand you being suspicious because i would be to, but i ahve alot of things to do besides sit down and record stuff. Before i was recording originals for ABE on guitar and obviously that has gone down the tube. What do you want me to record?
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