What are you listening to/watching now?

Just got updated on this tread- started with Spud's comment on Trump a few pages ago and the posts afterward hammering Trump. I am a fiscal conservative and pretty moderate ( maybe even a bit liberal) on social issues. I am not a Trump fan, but Wow the choices are SOOO bad. I don't know what to do. SO, you guys seems so sure of yourselves - whats you choice and why?

After thinking about this- maybe I should have started a thread in another area. Mods feel free to move - sorry.
Are you sure that's a good idea? getting all political over here...
If they're all bad, just go for the one you hate or dislike the least.

So going back on topic
We started watching The 100 and really liked it, finished both seasons on Netflix in about 2-3 weeks.
Now we started Attack on Titan, looks really good so far.
Ya - I regretted post immediately... People get so upset about it - its like talking about Religion. Very tough to have a discussion without people getting angry. Hence, the edit. Although- I didn't start it- Wink, Wink at _______(and others) , LOL

Back on topic: Yes- have enjoyed "The 100" - have a backlog of a few episodes.
It's tough to talk about any subject where people hold close personal opinions with not much thought or reasoning put in. Which, unfortunately, sums up the vast majority when it comes to those two subjects :p

I'm on the very last ep of The 100 now, was a pretty entertaining show!

And listening to this now, gotta be one of my favourite songs to relax to ever
Catching up on episodes of The Magicians.

EDIT: The TV series diverges from the books but stays close enough to hold it together. I hope SyFy keeps it going through the entire trilogy.
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