Weekend Gaming

Cool. Who is he and where we're you. Looks like fun.

Sent from my iPhone using tiny buttons. Sorry for the misspellings. Busy managing Dragon Age's terrible inventory system.
That's pretty cool. Btas is one of my all time favorites.

I was very excited. BtAS was also an all time favorite of mine.

Cool. Who is he and where we're you. Looks like fun.

He's a legendary animator. Batman: The Animated Series is a huge one for him (and the rest of us).


I'm in Seattle at Emerald City ComiCon. Great weekend, but I'm beat.

Sent from my handheld telephonic computermajiggy
Never been to a comic con but I was big into comics when I was a kid. I still have them.

Played some more dying light this weekend....this is a good fame. I'm very surprised in a good way. Reminds me of fallout 3
Xbone. Thanks to ajacks. I'm borrowing his copy. Fun game. Getting the hang of it.

Sent from my iPhone using tiny buttons. Sorry for the misspellings. Busy managing Dragon Age's terrible inventory system.
So my cousins came over and we all played Mario Party 10, it was...meh....got kinda boring, reviews didn't look great.
You can finish a whole game without playing a mini game.
My cousins felt bad...

I also tried Second Son, I got it new at an auction here at work for $2, it didn't look bad, story looked cool.

Then played more Crisis Core
I've become painfully aware of Bloodborne's lack of a pause feature and distant save points simultaneously.

Sent from my handheld telephonic computermajiggy
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