Vista Install Help

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Solid State Member
Chicago, IL
I just finished building my new comp and have been trying to install vista; but as soon as I get to the step where it asks where do I want to install vista it won't let my go on. I partitioned the Hard Drive for install 100gb, with 500gb left over. When I click on the partitioned drive it won't let me click next.
first, you should shutdown the machine and check to be sure everything is set correctly. check the cables, memory, drive jumpers, etc.

next, check the bios to verify all settings seem correct.

then, delete the partition and start again.
I checked all cables and made sure it was all ok, reduced memory to only 2gb because I noticed some people saying they had problems when installing it with more. Checked bios and under boot devices it lists both cd/dvd drive as well as hard drive; but in the ide sata config it doesn't seem to detect any device. Will try deleting partition and try again.
well its weird, vista during installation detects it, the mobo detects in the boot sequence, just not in the ide sata config

ok i dont know what happened but I went back in the bios and it found it. Tried installing again; still ran into same problem as before.
Have you checked the DVD for scratches? Can you install a XP or Linux distro? Is this copy of Vista a Retail or OEM copy?
the disk is scratch free and is a retail copy. Have not tried installing xp or linux

I am starting to think its the hard drive; I bought it oem from new egg. Will pick up a new one locally tomorrow and see how it goes.
You need to check another OS first. To make sure that it is just Vista. Without knowing if Linux or XP will install we have nothing to go by.
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