Soccer or Football

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I think football is overall better. Any time i can smash into someone I'm all for it. And no, stop and go activity isnt better, I just meant its more straining then constant activity.
2 footed tackles my seem woosie - but speak to the dude whos ankle i shattered...oopsies...

The reason why I think it is better is because there isnt this go stop so stop go stop crap...its all go go go till half time.

I also like the way the game is played better than Football. I'd sooner play rugby if I wanted to play a game like football.

thats just my 2C

Also, I know beckham is a pansie, but I wouldnt wanna mess with a guy like:

RyanOldw83 said:
I think football is overall better. Any time i can smash into someone I'm all for it. And no, stop and go activity isnt better, I just meant its more straining then constant activity.

I knew that's what you meant...:D

As for ADZ...The stop and go stop and go activity is a preference, we can argue about that for weeks. Forget that. But would you rather mess with him:




Which one?
what does anything here do with drugs man? what made you think about drugs??? I said oxygen I was talking about the soccer player in the picture with that O2 jersey on.
I didn't realize you can get the element Oxygen from o2. But whatever...I'm just so appauled at the fact that you would rather not mess with "oxygen", than Lavar Arrington...Maybe the picture is bad or your eyes are bad. DO you honestly think oxygen would mess you up more than Lavar Arrington...I'll give you a better picture if that one was messed up because you must not be looking at the same Lavar Arrington pic I am....

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