i need some advice

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This is disgusting, even if it is a rat. They are animals and they don't deserve to be killed or hurt because of that. A mean rat is what you get if you want one, they aren't exactly like little puppy's.

If you got out of your house more, you will reliaze their is almost always an ALPHA MALE for everything from rats, to humans.

One has to be domiant, and only let the others eat after it, ect.
lol:p low lvl formatting him. Well gab00n is right get a new cage. Get a hamster cage the ones that are all plastic there is no way in hel the piss and crap will fly out of there. You know the hamster playpen sets you can add on:D i had one lol. get one for him or get a bigger version of that and move all of them in there. here something like this dude. the down under dingo one would be great for him - http://petco.com/Shop/ProductList.aspx?PC=productlist&Nav=236&N=26 122
well yea i mean thats just a example jsut get a bigger one thats all plastic like that. Or you can a a world for them lol :D
If you're gonna kill something, you shouldn't be having second thoughts. It will be OK if you kill it quickly. The most humane method of killing rodents I find is to hit them over the head very hard, killing them instantly. Use a hammer or something.
I remember in one book, this retarded mental man killed his rats by boiling them alive. Well.. I guess if u do it, ur wife will think u are a psycho. So that's no good..

Just put it on a separate cage man.

Chankama said:
I remember in one book, this retarded mental man killed his rats by boiling them alive. Well.. I guess if u do it, ur wife will think u are a psycho. So that's no good..

Just put it on a separate cage man.


LMFAO or she will think you are cooking dinner :p
Yes why not make good use of it by eating it. It won't be wasted then, and you won't feel so bad about killing it.
Inject an air bubble into a vein....he'll die and unless your wife wants an autopsy of the body it'll look naturally and be over within minutes...of course once that air bubble hits his little heart it'll be painful as all hell :p
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