Hackers: Misguided, or Wrongly Faithful?

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horndude said:
4] real hackers dont advertise that they are hackers,they dont have to
YUP! As I know a few (not including my house mate).
The few that I do know only advertise the extent of their skills when they need too.
horndude said:
5] hacker wannabe's that "think" they are hackers, are looked at as fools by real hackers
Like my house mate.
ShoobieRat said:
This is one reason why I don't think crackers are smart people. Sure, they have some technical programming knowledge, but aside from that, they're really dumb. I mean, they hate being outcast from society...so they attack the good in society, pyss everyone off...which furthers their seperation from society...
Actaully, they are.....
Face it, you are off perchacing your legit copy of Window Xp with MS Office (plus what ever other software or games) while they have worked ways around it by themselves.
How is that dumb?
adj 1: slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity

Techie15 said:
Let me guess this shoobierat is the biggest asshole on the forum right? Hackers don't destroy hackers create you idiot. Crackers destroy, get it right.
I can drink to that.
ShoobieRat said:
Got anything useful to say? Otherwise, the broken-record section is over there -->
LOL!!! Thanks that made my morning.
www.grc.com has good insight on hackers.

Steve Gibson is a kind of "White hat hacker".

I think the only real difference between a "White hat hacker" and a "Black hat hacker" is a feeling of social responsibility, or a feeling of ethics I guess. The talent level depends on how much the mind can understand abstract principles.

I myself am still in college, and hope that by picking Computer Science/Programming, that I can get a job.
So am i considered a hacker cause i work my way around stupid programs that require cd keys or needing to be cracked (for the big one) Windows XP activiation? I work my way around all of those w/out searching google for stupid cracks that usualy dont work anyways.
P.P. Mguire said:
So am i considered a hacker cause i work my way around stupid programs that require cd keys or needing to be cracked (for the big one) Windows XP activiation? I work my way around all of those w/out searching google for stupid cracks that usualy dont work anyways.

No, not really, first of all, any real hacker would only use winblows if he/she is writing software for it, most wont waste their time with it, why use an OS that cripples you with a bunch of weak azz BS right from the get go?On top of that, hacking the registration/licensing of windows anything is 3rd rate script kiddie child's play to begin with.If you have to ask, then nope, your not a hacker,not even close.
want to see a real hacker, check out jon lech johanssen,he's right on the fringe of being illegal

then there's all the really talented software writers out there, like bram cohen for example, which is a very good example of the old school original definition of a hacker as it was when the term was coined to begin with
Well hmm lol, i write software, i use Xp for games and because i cant DL linux, and where as your "3rd rate" is concerned it was only used for and example. If you are trying to flame me or try to make me sound stupid then maybe you should take a look at the desktop thread and read the mods advice. where s your wannabe is concerned if he was a real hacker you wouldnt be able to find him on a website or he wouldnt be advertising his abilities.
he doesnt have to advertise his abilities, his actions and results speak for themselves

why dont you check out some of his work and judge for yourself?

he's famous for what he has done, not said or advertised,just like most of the really good hackers,being clever,creative,smart,and actually doing something with it are some of the things that make a hacker a hacker

I dont have to try to make you sound stupid,your doing fine so far without my help

since you refuse to do some research on your own or try to find out what a hacker really is, lets take a look at "dvd jon" as he is known

he wrote the libdvdcss code which allows PC's running linux to play encrypted dvd's

he also wrote with a couple of friends some software to allow linux PC's to use iTunes and download music

he also wrote some software to hack into the apple airport streaming mp3 software

these things take lots of talent and ingenuity, this is what separates a wannabe from the real thing
Hackers are not always bad and have many practical uses. Many companies will actually hire hackers and crackers to try and break into their systems and make suggestions about improving security.
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