Girl falls into manhole while texting, parents sue

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Or maybe this, since she seems to love cell phones so much...

Well, let's consider that an open manhole isn't something that we come across everyday while walking down a sidewalk. We take it for granted that a manhole cover wouldn't be off. We assume that a sidewalk is a safe place to walk, which it should be.

There are many dangers that we encounter everyday that we are conditioned to keep an eye out for. (Like cars in a road, others walking on a sidewalk, dogs in a yard, joggers, kids playing on the side of the road or birds flying above that may crap on your head.) An open manhole cover is just not something that we deal with everyday. And if you do see an open manhole cover it's normally sectioned off with some sort of plastic border. There was a crew working in a manhole by where I live for weeks. ATT was installing fiber optic cable in my neighborhood and there was always a partition around the manhole. It would be impossible to walk into that hole if you were texting or with your eyes closed.

One thing that I always try to do when understanding ANY situation is to put myself in the shoes of the party in question. Imagine yourself as that person and doing what that person was doing. It takes a good amount of "outside the box" thinking and creativity, but try it. You might realize that your view point might change. You might realize that your original thinking was correct. Anyway, it's a good habit to get into in any situation. Try thinking from the brain of someone else in any situation. It makes you a smarter, more well rounded person.
Alright, I've put myself in the shoes of that person...and I feel retarded for not looking where I was going. If I fell down a manhole, sure, I'd be ****ed, but more at myself than anything else since I was stupid enough to not see it. Just like when I run into my coffee table or trip over something while walking outside. That's my bad.

This is just someone feeling embarrassed that she did something so stupid, and wants to blame someone else. And I'm sure her mom is a bit like Stella and is seeing this as a free money pit.

I'd love to see just how much they are paying in their "mounting medical bills".
You should never assume anything, just because a sidewalk is supposed to be safe doesnt mean it always will be.

She was dumb, and its her fault regardless whether the hole was open or closed, or there was a cone or not. if she was paying attention, she wouldint have fell.
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