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some people say that if someone dies in a house, that house gets haunted with the spirit of that person. but i dunno...there's lots of different opinions and theories on what makes some souls haunt, and others peaceful.....

you get aggressive things where radios turn on and off, things fly off of counters and across rooms, doors slam shut, etc.

this are some interesting links about a "poltergeist machine" essentially reproduced ALL of the effects people experience when a poltergeist or haunting is said to be present..... all with an electromagnetic field machine.

it suggests that either hauntings are spots of unusual electromagnetic activity, and further proves findings that ghosts/souls are electromagnetic in nature.
OpticalIllusion said:
I was expecting him to start talking about god and all that crap, but then said Allah. I closed the tab as soon as I heard him say "Allah" for the second time.

Stupid religious bull **** has to come in and screw everything up.

Allah means god in Arabic language
I look at it like this. There are some things that just don't have any scientific or logical explanation. Ghosts? Who knows. But not everything can be explained.
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