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jesus thats a heavy duty truck of course it can carry a load. it has a huge engine meant for torque so uhh yeah if you had that same engine running on diesel it would be able to carry more of a load
NewCents05 said:
well screw diesel and gas he got a jetta tdi running off vegetable oil. VEGETABLE OIL!!!!! so uhh go vegetables

You can't run straight vegeatble oil, but you can run 'bio-diesel,' which is basically diesel mixed with part vegetable oil, on a diesel engine with some modifications. It is supposed to have cleaner emmisions than gasoline.
desel engines do not have as hight revs as gasolene engines. desel is injected into the coumbustion chamber at a mutch higher pressure and needs high heat to combust but when it dose wooo baby . thats why you get so mutch tourq at low r.p.m but you canot get a desel to reach high r.p.m. gas on the other hand is fairly combustible and dose it in a hurry but not with as mutch force (energy) as a desel so you can get high revs but less tourq unless youve got a biggg engine. methane in combination with a turbo charger is rather powerful being a very combustible kinda substance so with that one you get an even more happy to rev engine even if its a gas engine by design so you can have 'hybrid' gas-methane (sabb i think has or is going to produce sutch a car) but never gas-desel because they are diffrent engine designs. transmisitions are what make up the diffrence because the desel has so mutch tourq is geared mutch lower but gas with its relitive low tourq are geard higher.
diesel is a much cleaner fuel just becuase of how it is burnt. And another thing better about diesel is that their is less wear and tear on the engine. They last a lot longer.
um no diesel is cleaner. more environment friendly

also no you can run it off straight vege oil but it needs to be running on diesel till the vege tanks reach a certain temp. watch 30 days youll see how they do it.
why is there even an arguement about this? You can't blanket two substances made for different purposes and say something like 'gas rules over diesel'

They have different qualities to them for a reason.

methanol pwns gasoline :rolleyes:
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