Clean Install of Windows 11


In Runtime
I am getting close to updating my system and wish to do a clean install of Windows 11.

My question is regarding Microsoft Outlook. I am using Office 2016 and I have a lot of folders within Microsoft Outlook where i keep my important emails. I am a little concerned that when I do the clean install that I might lose these folders. I don't know where these folders are stored on my pc. Will I still be able to get at them after the installation?

My system is setup with the O/S and Programmes on the 'C' drive and all of my folders/files/data are on the 'E' drive. The O/S and Programmes are backed up to the 'F' drive and my folders/files/data are backed up to the 'G' and 'H' drives.

Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
Are you using a Microsoft or google client? These email clients are online, as are all email clients other than internal mail clients. Providing you haven't told Outlook to delete emails online after download they should all remain at the online client. Of course you will also have to remember your password that you used when you set up the account.
I use an email address, does that tell you anything? I'm fairly good on the old pc but not brilliant as I'm 81 and so am a bit of a wrinkley!
If you go to and sign in, assuming that you haven't told outlook to delete all your emails when they are downloaded to ,then all your emails and folders should still be there even if you reinstall your computer. BUT first off you must be able to remember the password you used when you initially set up that gmail account AND you must check it BEFORE you re-install. Just as an aside I know you like to keep up with the times and that is why you want to put Windows 11 on. I have tried Windows 11 and it, in my opinion, is a pile of junk and not an improvement on Windows 10. In fact there is very little difference between the two. It might be wiser to stick with Win 10. Of course somebody will be along soon to defunct my statement about Win 11 but bottom line is that it is up to you. I'm also fairly sure that if you use the upgrade tool for Windows 11 it does give you the option to keep all your files and programs but you will need to check that.
I fully support @pete.i recommendation and opinion.
As may read above, all your emails have already been backed up, and it is very likely that all the originals are still in the main email online, so they won't go away.
But as for the transition to Windows 11, I really don't recommend you do that. You have time to use Windows 10 until the end of 2025, and you can always switch at any time if you need to, but this one (current) really isn't what anyone should want. It's just a bunch of junk and a big nightmare.
It's the worst what have ever been and what have at all ever released.
OK chaps, thank you so much for your input, it's very much appreciated.

I will take your advice and will stay with Windows 10 for now. It certainly seems as though there's not much to gain from the switch.

Thanks again.
To do a clean installation of Windows 11, use these steps:

  1. Start the computer with the USB media.
  2. On the prompt, press any key to boot from the device.
  3. On the "Windows Setup," click the Next button.
  4. Click the Install now button.
  5. If this is a reinstallation, click the "I don't have a product key" option to continue. Otherwise, in the case that this is your first time installing Windows 11, enter the product key.
  6. Click the Next button.
  7. Select the edition of Windows 11 (If applicable).
  8. Click the Next button.
  9. Select the "I accept the license terms" option to continue.
  10. Click the Next button.
  11. Click the "Custom: Install Windows only (Advanced)" option to continue with a clean installation.
  12. Select the partition with the current installation (usually "Drive 0"), and click the Delete button.
  13. Click the Yes button.
  14. Select the empty drive (Drive 0 Unallocated Space).
  15. Click the Next button.

After you complete the steps, the setup will install a fresh copy of Windows 11 on the computer.

Hope This Works,
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