Random Gaming News

Took this from Amazon. November PS+ games....

Resogun (PS4)
Contrast (PS4)
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (PS3)
ibb & obb (PS3)
Binary Domain (PS3)
Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath (Vita)
Soul Sacrifice (Vita)
Damnit the greatness awaits web site wont let me pull up desktop site on my phone and you cant enter trophies on mobile site. I want to put in for the killzone experience
Damnit the greatness awaits web site wont let me pull up desktop site on my phone and you cant enter trophies on mobile site. I want to put in for the killzone experience

Depending on the browser you're using on your phone, you can change the user agent string mode from mobile to desktop.
Depending on the browser you're using on your phone, you can change the user agent string mode from mobile to desktop.

Further explanation:
When accessing sites, they check if it is a mobile phone and redirect you if it is to their mobile site. Simply go to the URL and look for an M or Mobile portion:
Address.M.stuffhere/more.html or address.com/eng/us/mobile/index
And so on.

Remove the M, mobile or whatever alternative from the site to access its desktop alternative.
Just be warned that you would lose some control or phone friendly features in the process as you use the desktop version.
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