you know u have been on a computer to long when...

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Re: You know u have been on a computer to long when...

You have reached 'the core' in Seperra Core

You still continued playing Seperra Core after reaching 'the core'.

You have beaten Seperra Core

You beaten Seperra Core multiple times

i only qualify for the first of that list. I gave up after I released that reaching 'the core' was only the half way point.

evelmunkey said:
Thats funny stuff......leeeeerrrooyyy jeeeenkins!!!

if you have this as a rigntone i think it qualifies. DOH! i spend too much time on the comp.
Right, who are you, and how do you know about my SMS notification? :D

Shakie said:
Harper.... you Leroy!

Did that hurt your feelings?
Not really......
Static_11 said:
ATTN harper!! I did something out of the Anarchist Cook Book TODAY!!!!! :.
Do I know you? I don't know you man......
Just be careful with some of that stuff. I stopped mucking around with that stuff after my freind had a chlorine blomb do about AU$10K worth of damage to his parent's kitchen.
When your parents start *****ing at you to get of the computer.

When your eyes start bleeding.

The following man offend and/or discust. However I am quite sure some of vertian TF posters here remember the that thread that I am talking about in the next 2 points.

* When you mistake a bottle of Urine for a bottle of Mountain Dew.

* The fact that you have a bottle of urine near your computer because you are too lazy just go get up and walk to the bathroom.


I am not sure what is more scarier there.
You'd rather go "fishing" on WoW than in real life.. :confused:

You just had a fight with your "girl friend" on msn and came here to vent. You are yet to meet each other in person...
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