you know u have been on a computer to long when...

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You know u have been on a computer to long when...

I deny that there is any such thing as "being on the computer to long."

* you make a mistake in real life and your first reaction is to press UNDO

I've had that work before..... least I think that happened in real life.....

...I think I'll beat Doom 3 again tonight just for the heck of it....

...Can somebody check and see if there is a Mountian Dew in the fridge....

...oh wait I actually have to say that outloud....

...Nah to much work to switch my brain from typing mode to voice mode....
Harper said:
* you use the name Leroy as an insult.

Been noticing on other games besides WoW people saying "You Leroy" as an insult.

Thats funny stuff......leeeeerrrooyyy jeeeenkins!!!

if you have this as a rigntone i think it qualifies. DOH! i spend too much time on the comp.

*if you have fallen asleep on the keyboard only to be waken by the beep of it.
Harper said:
* you use the name Leroy as an insult.

Been noticing on other games besides WoW people saying "You Leroy" as an insult.

Harper.... you Leroy!

Did that hurt your feelings?
omg this thread is awesome!!!

*When you've sat a week at your computer straight with barely any sleep and then get up one day to watch tv....then you get mad because the channels or the guide is going really slow today and u relise your not at ur computer... lol <--- happened to me

*When you have EVERYTHING electrical in ur room.. for example.. tv,Ps2,Monitor,Stereo,Light,Phone, all on one desk plugged into one outlet.. i have a +4 socket outlet with an extension cord on it.. lol...

*When you use stuff like.. lol, lmao, omg, and other varioues "internet" words outloud... forexample.. me and Blitze_105 were talking one day and i said l-o-l... yes.. i spelled it out.. lol

*When you get mad at people for knowing how to operate the smallest thing on a computer like wordpad and what not

*When right "omg lol lmao or take little shortcuts like u ur ya on school papers... lol

All of these happened to me.... and i turned the last one in like that...

ATTN harper!! I did something out of the Anarchist Cook Book TODAY!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D lol... i did the Co2 bomb... lol.. me and my neighbor filled a used Co2 with gunpowder from about... 20 shotguns shells.. we cut the shells in half and dumped the bb's in a bag for anohter day another project... and pulled out the plastic part in the middle and dumbed the gun powder into a bag... lol.. we filled two Co2 canisters ( the little small 13 gram p.o.c's) and put a 6 inch wick in each one.. .an inch down into the canister with the rest taped to its side... we buried the first one about 5 inches in the ground and stomped on the ground above it to pack it in due to the fact we didnt want anone hearing it.. lol.. and lit it and ran like hell!! blew up and 5 seconds later dirt was still falling on our heads... the dirt went HIGH as the heavens it was freaking sweet.. we went back to the hole he made.... it DOUBLED in size!!!... so.. we HAD to do something better with the second one right?? so we cut out a small hole on the bottom side of a milk carton ( 2 gallons ) and fillied it with water...

well... we lit and ran once again... and never could find that bottle... but water was dropping for awhile...
I have 9 power circuts at 15 amps in my PC area.

You guys are just not hardcore enough to wire your house right
I think the only one that qualifies for that is nubius....

Try taking a VERY thin wire and put it across the door way, then tie a negative at one end and a posative lead to another end and plug it into the wall, its sure to leave a mark on someone, especially my cats nose :-D
Sometimes I'll look at something and hope a little yellow box will pop up explaining what it is. Like hovering your mouse over the start button and it sayig "Click here to begin"
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