Yay Snow Day!

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we just had snow the other day here in southern california known as the high desert. It wasn't enough snow or big enough snow to stick though. It barely formed on the ground, but you mainly noticed it on cars and such, and especially when you were driving.
i'm on spring break... beautiful weather too... we are just getting out of snow. Its supposed to snow tomorrow, but its been thunderstorming the last few days and its been about 50-60 since Saturday.
it very rarely snows where i live. BUT, when it does, all schools in the area close, apart from mine, which invariably decides they can manage with it, so we all have to go. :(
All the snow we got is already melted from the streets but its pilled up everywhere else in huge mounds where the snowplows pushed it. Makes it annoying to drive around town. :p

My spring break starts this friday. Going on a cruise down to mexico. :D That should be fun. ;)
Man i live in michigan and its 60ºF, but its been raining and storming all day. I think its supposed to be in the 30's for the rest of the week, and hopefully warms up for spring break.

Spring break is next week.
Well, no snow day for me...but it DID snow this morning and then got to about 50f weird weird place here. Dont like the weather, wait 10 minutes :)
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