Windows Vista RC1 Beta Avaliable For Public Download!

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The General said:
I'm so excited!

im practically wetting my pants
(the purple thing is dodgy, it stands for sarcasm)
BUGGER!! If I was not setting up the office's new server today, I would start too. I will just wait until tonight after I am done with the server to start.
Well, I have finished and am now posting through the new Internet Explorer in Windows Vista Ultimate!
My download finished about 45 mins ago, and just finished burning the DVD (1st time ever), and I thought it would take ages since I'm thinking back to the days when CD burners first came out and 1x use to take almost an hour to burn a CD. Nevertheless I was impressed that it took about 15 mins to burn the 2.5gb's at 2x, using a blank dvdr that came w/ my Gateway.

Sadly though I can't install Vista until I get some last minute work done for a client tonight, but I'll install it tommorow night on this machine (the 1 in the sig).
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