Which is the best of the Linux.......

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Baseband Member
operating system distributions? I'm currently using Mandrake 10.1 Powerpack. The sound used to work on this when I first installed this OS on here, but was unable to connect to the internet. I then had to use Suse 9.1 since I was able to have that connected. When Kaffeine opens, it has a problem with Alsa, which I can't seem to find the detailed message at the moment. I'm thinking it's a problem down to my MOBO being so "new". It's a NForce 4. Is Fedora or Debian good?
Probably at some point I did. I gave up. Everything else is working just fine. Just no sound or video.
try to get mepis or ubuntu live, to see if they detect your sound.. if they don't, then you should prepare for sometime tinkering with your hardware :D

people always ask what is the best linux distro, but in fact, every one of them can be made just like the next one, as they run on pretty much the same thing..
SuSE 9.3 was awesome for me, I never had a problem detecting any hardware. Plus it's easier with YAST and SAX2.
New Linux users seem to do a lot of switching distributions because something doesn't get detected and set up automatically in one. With Linux, you have to learn to do some internet searching to MAKE things work. Often it isn't nearly as hard as one would think. If it works in one distro automatically, there's no reason it can't work in another just because it wasn't automatically detected.

Note that there is a stickied distro recommendation thread in this forum as well, you might want to take a glance at that.
my personal fav is suse prof 9.3. i read somewhere that novell made it open source and now its called SuSeOS or something to that effect.
Thanks guys for your input. As you have probably already read in another post I just wrote, I just installed the SuSE 9.3 Pro on my computer. It hasn't recognised my sound yet, nor have I had the time yet to piddle with it. Maybe that it's that I have a nForce 4 MOBO? It's a FoxConn MATX Socket 939 AMD 64 MOBO. I'm only trying to use the onboard audio, as I didn't think I would need a sound card. I'm having difficulty locating something that will work with this. Maybe Debian or Fedora Core since they're more widely used?
that exact same thing happened to me. i dont remember exactly what i did, i think i went into Yast and tampered with the hardware, maybe it was all the drivers and then all of a sudden my sound worked. i even stole speakers from my dad because i thought thats what it was. made me feel dumb.
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