How do I find out which ports are USB 3?


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United States
Hi all!
My ports on my laptop are not clearly marked, yet my device manager says that two of them are usb 3+
I need to know which ports are and are not 3+
How do I find that out? Is there a program that I can use?
It's a Dell Inspiron 17 series 5000.
And hey, don't make fun. This thing was a beast when it was new. We've seen a lot together, so I'm repurposing the girl as a home workstation/server for random needs.

Thank you for your time in reading this.
Ok, OR. I wrote this on another forum and want to post it here as a second way to explain myself and add an idea.

Is there a program that I can put on a flash drive that will display the port number and type that the flash drive is plugged into?

I can't see any easy way to identify what port is usb 3 and what port is usb 2 just by looking at it on my laptop. I see blue, and that's about it. As in the color.
I just want to know which is which, and the easiest way to do that which I can think of is to simply have a program describe it's port to me, but I don't even know if that's possible.

So what do you guys think? Is there something like that out there?
How else can I figure it out?
This is maddeningly simple yet so far out of reach. ?
When one place adds a solution, I will post it in the other so as to make the thread valuable as if it were answered here. :)
On the right side, there is just one USB 2.0 port; all others (on the left side) are USB 3. This is true of all Dell laptops as old as or newer than yours, regardless of whether or not they contain a DVD/CD drive. Take a look at Below
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