What You've Just Bought!

Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

Andi got a Kuerig because we almost never make our own coffee in the house because it's super inconvenient. And when other people make coffee, we either don't know about it or don't remember, so it sits there. Once it got moldy bits floating in it before we remembered. -_-

Now Andi makes her own coffee at home to bring to work so she doesn't have to spend 5 bucks a day to get a pick me up.

EDIT: And now I'll actually drink coffee at home. Since I don't like coffee that much, I had to do crazy stuff to it to drink it. Now I can use the My K-Cup thing to make this mocha flavored coffee and mix some espresso in there, either during the brewing process or add it afterwards (we have a small espresso maker, our friends know us so well around Christmas...).
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

Everyone in the house (3 of us) each grab a large travel mug before we head out in the morning. All three put together, and the cup we grab when we wake up combine to equal about a pot of coffee. I only spend about $100 a month in coffee, and that gets me a good variety of roasts/flavors too. Something you can't do with a regular coffee pot ;)
I spend 7 dollars a month on a thing of Folgers, plus our pot was free. Sometimes I'll spend a bit more and grab that new Swedish coffee in the yellow bag as it is stronger. It doesn't last long though.
I can also spend less than 50 and have many different types of coffee and add other flavorings, but I prefer to just drink regular old coffee. The missus buys that stuff though as her work has a Keurig.

I have to admit, I'm not big on other flavors and whatnot because I have been drinking coffee since I was still using a bottle. My friend tried getting me to drink it black or with no milk or sugar. No way man, can't do it. I make my cup the same way every day, and the coffee the same strength every day. Also has to be whole milk, no cream, no half and half, no coffee mate creamer, and definitely no powder crap.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

I spend 7 dollars a month on a thing of Folgers, plus our pot was free. Sometimes I'll spend a bit more and grab that new Swedish coffee in the yellow bag as it is stronger. It doesn't last long though.
I can also spend less than 50 and have many different types of coffee and add other flavorings, but I prefer to just drink regular old coffee. The missus buys that stuff though as her work has a Keurig.

I have to admit, I'm not big on other flavors and whatnot because I have been drinking coffee since I was still using a bottle. My friend tried getting me to drink it black or with no milk or sugar. No way man, can't do it. I make my cup the same way every day, and the coffee the same strength every day. Also has to be whole milk, no cream, no half and half, no coffee mate creamer, and definitely no powder crap.

I can't drink it black either. But I do use coffee mate sometimes. Like when they have seasonal flavors, specifically pumpkin spice. Mmmmm...

OT; I just bought some coffee.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

We have some sort of weird espresso machine thing, you pack a bowl down with ground coffee beans, then force water through it or something. I've never been big on coffee, but for some in my family it's a morning tradition almost.

On topic, bought a grain fed dry aged steak. Man it was good! Well I say 'bought', when it was paid for by the company :p win/win really
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

2 cups of coffee for £0.08

Work vending machines are pretty cheap.
Re: The What You've just Bought thread!

I can't stand coffee with extra crap in it, black is the only way to drink it imo.
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