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hillbillybob said:
I guess you havent gone a couple weeks with out electricity. Ya, sometimes you do have to hunt for food. Because the supply in the freezer spoiled.

That may be true in some cases. In most countries, including the USA, there are plenty of stores where you can buy new food. And not all food types need to be stored in a freezer (unless you only eat meat, lol)

Tell me, What is the difference between me with a gun, or a coyote? Does the coyote just kill for food? of do some enjoy it? I have seen a coyote kill and not eat from the carcass. That my friend is killing for the pure enjoyment of it.

Some animals kill without eating their prey. Cats do this; but mainly because they get fed so much that they are only hunting out of instinct, not because of hunger. On the other hand, if a human spots a dead rabbit he will not think "what a tasty rabbit". An animal would.

I use almost every part of that animal. What i dont use, goes to my dogs.

It's better than not using the animal; but is it neccesary to hunt them? Not hunting and not buying the meat either is a better option.
Let's assume all animals get treated very well and don't feel pain (factory & wild animals); it's still an animal that gets killed for pleasure only (nobody needs meat). So why kill an animal if you don't need it?

Where did that statistic come from about 2000 to 2500 people eating from a single cow? I want to see it, because I have processed beef, and trust me, you wont get food enough for that many people from a single animal. not gonna happen.

It was in an episode of this show:

They were visiting a slaughterhouse. Some employee mentioned these numbers. Maybe he also included other parts of the animal that are not used as meat, but as other ingredients or something.

Now, I dont readily believe your statistic that the majority of the worlds vegitables are grown just for livestock. Yes, they do have a significant portion, I will give you that, but I fail to see how over half of vegitable products are grown for livestock.

That's what I heard. You should be able to find some info on google. I can't prove if those numbers 60%-70% are correct, but it doesn't sound too far off to me.

Pain, is life. Life is pain. To get into the metaphysical aspect of it, from the second any mammal is born, all they know is pain. Its part of life. Life, death, cruelty... welcome to earth.

Most humans have a free will though. We can make decisions and decide wheter we do something about things that are unpleasent or don't.
Vegetarians try to help a little here.

Would an animal not feel pain when it is eaten by another animal. Would there not be some pain there? What is the difference between me inflicting the pain in a careful, controlled manner, and a wolf, doing it all savage like?

Free animals suffer. You can't do much about it.
The thing is, most meat eaters are animals, and an animal can't decide it's going to eat plants instead of meat. Other than that, they don't feel sorry for the animal they kill.
Humans can, why not use this ability?

With a bolt to the brain, the animal doesnt even feel itself hit the dirt. There is no way, the processing center is now mashed potatoes, figurativly speaking of course. Studies have been done on this, and even the animal rights activists have agreed that this is an acceptible means of euthanization. As for anesthesia, let me know when you get close enough to a 3000 lbs animal that is calm enough for you to apply it. BTW, 3000 lbs is a medium sized adult male bovine. being the devils advocate here, could you tell me the effect anesthesia has on animals? does it have the same effect as it does on humans? There are phsiological differences. All we has humans know is that it render the animal motionless, but does it really knock them out so they dont feel pain?

Can't prove it either.

Wrong types of food??? Veternarians and zoologists spend their life making sure livestock gets the correct food.

Right food for what purpose? To improve the taste/texture of their meat, or to improve their health?
Calfs get food with low iron, they are basically suffering from anemia.

Chickens shredded to pieces, Pigs being castrated, Women having their babies ripped from the, I guess animals are the real victims here.

Being a vegetarian doesn't mean you don't care about humans. I'm against abortion as well.

Yes, there are instances, and if you had read my last post, I had already said that. As far as the pigs being castrated, my dear boy, your ancestors did that too.

So, are we forced to keep doing it this way (no anesthesia)?

Now, human progress in the last century or so notwithstanding, that is a perfectly acceptible method of birth control. Whats the difference between that and the current method of castration as a punishment in some countries (without anesthesia of course)? No, I do not see castration of animals as cruelty, its called control.

I'm not against castration. I'm against castration without anesthesia.

Nature - ya, animals can walk around freely, as is their wont. Tell me, would you give up your car or other means of quick transportation? because without people like me out there to help keep the population down it would quickly explode out of hand and the roads would become even more dangerous. Apperently youve never seen what a deer can do at 65 mph.

I'd look at the deer first.

What you are suggesting, the changes in the current agricultural system, would make the price of food skyrocket, and that does include your vegitables. Animals running free to make hazards, and attack people. The current system you enjoy, is in part because their are people like me.

No, a lot of vegetables would become available to humans.

I almost forgot, but I wanted to add, Im not trying to sway you. You have made you mind, and I commend you for being steadfast in your beliefs. I just want everyone to be educated. Thats all im getting at.

You're welcome.

you know, the word vegetarian translated back to the greek and latin, where it originally came from, means "poor hunter"
iambrian said:
you know, the word vegetarian translated back to the greek and latin, where it originally came from, means "poor hunter"

OMG, sorry, that probably isn't true, but it is funny either way.
It's not true. Look up "etymology of vegetarian" and it's nothing close to that.
OK, Switch... that was just wrong. Well, it was funny AND wrong.

If anyone wants to be a vegetarian, that's their choice. I choose to not be one.

Animals are meat. That's their function, their purpose. As for any treatment issues, again, they are animals. If you give animals the same rights as humans, we might as well start running over old women instead of cats. I don't believe in mistreating animals, but neither do I think they are deserving of any special treatment.

Slaughtering a beef or a pig is painless. The neural connections are gone before the impulses have a chance to make it to the brain... although nerves communicate at the speed of electricity, there is a bit of lag between stimulation and sensation.
Piglet and bambi... it's what's for dinner

'possum... The other white meat!

Stop if you see roadkill!

What's cute a fuzzy and good in a cream sauce? BUNNY!

Have some lambchops... My wife wants the wool!

Trotter said:
OK, Switch... that was just wrong. Well, it was funny AND wrong.

If anyone wants to be a vegetarian, that's their choice. I choose to not be one.

Animals are meat. That's their function, their purpose. As for any treatment issues, again, they are animals. If you give animals the same rights as humans, we might as well start running over old women instead of cats. I don't believe in mistreating animals, but neither do I think they are deserving of any special treatment.

Slaughtering a beef or a pig is painless. The neural connections are gone before the impulses have a chance to make it to the brain... although nerves communicate at the speed of electricity, there is a bit of lag between stimulation and sensation.

Trotter, that's basically my stance as well. Switch...I've seen that before, but that's just funny.

Trotter said:
As for any treatment issues, again, they are animals.

So basically you don't care if an animal doesn't get treated well (because it's an animal)?

Trotter said:
If you give animals the same rights as humans, we might as well start running over old women instead of cats.

I don't understand this one. Are you saying that you would run over old women if it was permitted by law?

Also, what do rights have to do with running over cats? I believe your thoughts are influenced by the absence of sympathy.

Trotter said:
I don't believe in mistreating animals, but neither do I think they are deserving of any special treatment.

What do you mean by special treatment, and what conditions would the animal have to meet to qualify?
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