using hdd from p4 pc on amd pc??

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have just built new amd 2400+ on an epox mobo with 1 gig ddr ram .i have taken my 40 gig quantum fireball hdd from my 1.5 p4 423 socket .boots up fine until it starts to load windows .then i get BSOD!.it tels me to try restart windows or that hdd may be corrupt or check for viruses.but when i tried it in p4 again it loaded windows no problem.
can anyone suggest anything i could try please?
By chance is the old P4 machine a pre-imaged machine?

Would you happen to have to use restore cd's on it to reinstall?

This could be that there is a CRC on the disc, thinking that it should be in the other PC.. the numbers dont check and BSOD...

Try completely wiping the disk, get a low level formating utility like Data Destroyer or similar, and then attempt to reinstall and see if you have better luck,,

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