ugh first day of school

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I miss school :( I used to get up at 430 am Monday Wed and Friday to head off to the gym, then be in school for 650. Get out at 2 and head off to practice until 6pm. I'm going back to school to become a HS history teacher, so I will be doing it all over again hopefully :)
I'm on my 9th week..........last week of school next week for me. Then a 2 week break, then it's the beginning of the 2nd quarter.

All of my classes are at 12pm except for one that's at 7:30am :( All perfectly timed classes then one ridiculously early one.
I'm really excited about going back to school. I wasn't going to take a semester off, but due to some personal things, I had to. I was going to take some sick classes, an intro to studio tech and a classical guitar course, as well as a philosophy class entitled "Philosophy in music, movie, and novel" How sick does that sound? I say it sounds pretty insane.
I kind of started today, but I truely start tomorrow - Wooo 6th form. :(

A level maths with the worst maths department. :( I might try and do maths at the local high school for girls so I stand a chance of getting a good grade.

On the plus, I am doing CCNA with 2 of the best teachers, or should I say friends? - hmmm...
Yeah? Count yourself lucky... try 14,235th day of life. Enjoy the halcyon days of your youth...

...I'm old as dirt and half as dumb! LOL
I start tomorrow. Yay for senior year. Almost done with high school. :D:D:D

Although my schedule would hardly be considered easy (i.e. 4 AP classes), I'm looking forward to this year more than any of my others. I still have summer "homework" to finish up. Summer reading I'm fine with, but I hate doing BS assignments like reading logs. 3x for each book, back and front of a piece of binder paper in pen. Why can't teachers just let us type it up on a computer. :confused:
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