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I really like the new theme, but I'm gonna use the default style while I can because that style is my favorite.
One thing I am having a hard time with is the member names aren't quite visible enough for me, but then again, I'm double the average age here (yes, I am in fact 30 :tongue: )
We will be going to a two-option scheme. The choices will be the light skin and the dark skin. The main reasons for this are to keep everything uniform and to put less work on our graphics wunderkind. I know some (weird oddballs) would rather use the default vB skin but it won't be left as an option. At least that is the plan.

Honestly, it wouldn't have been an option now if I hadn't forgot to let Larry know we were going live with the dark skin. :omg: If I had, Larry would have set up the options as the light and dark right off the bat.
I have noticed one thing that I find strange about the theme and that's that the text used in the links to message boards and threads all have serif text but it seems everywhere else has sans serif text. I don't know if it's like that on purpose but I figured I would point it out.
There are no serif fonts. It goes Calibri, Helvetica, Arial in that order. All three are not serif fonts.
There are no serif fonts. It goes Calibri, Helvetica, Arial in that order. All three are not serif fonts.

OS X must not have that font, I was viewing the forum on my MacBook what I was talking about did have serif text but on my PC the text is sans serif.
I think the links in posts and the username font color is too dark or too blue. It is hard to differentiate it with the background.
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