Super bored -_-

You're old? I don't want to hear it.

Yeah, you must be close to 30 by this point. And you're a father. And Pokémon turned 20 the other day. It's now been 12 years since Fire Red and Leaf Green - remakes of the original games - came out.
Stuff it, grandpa! We don't want you cramping our style, grand-daddio
Hmmm lets see, what did I get up to when I was but a sprig with no job or money :p

We cooked! This one's actually seriously worth getting into. In fact, it's so important that I'm reordering my post to put this one at the top. LEARN HOW TO COOK. It's not hard yo, and impresses the panties right off any ladies you bring home ;) get some dessert after dinner if ya know what I mean XD
A super easy starter for you, try this one: Choc Cream Puffs. Note he makes them swan shaped, but pfft don't have to do that. Just make em regular until you get good at it.

We made air guns from discarded PVC pipes and junk. All you need to buy is a bit of pvc glue to stick the bits together, and a cheap solenoid valve (or any quick release valve). To fill it we used an old bicycle tire and cut the valve out of that n glued it into the pvc pipe. Surprisingly powerful!

We practiced breaking encryption. Granted this was back in the good ol' WEP days where you could sneeze and accidentally crack your wifi XD but still very informative! It'll really help concrete your understanding of how authentication/encryption works, which is incredibly useful in the real world when you're trying to troubleshoot issues.
Obvious disclaimer: only practice on a network that YOU own. I feel like this disclaimer goes along with warnings like "caution: do not hold chainsaw by the chain when starting".

We made little robots. Weak little hobby motors and microcontrollers cost hardly anything from your local electronics store, make something that looks/moves like a spider and show your mum :p guaranteed she'll love it!

We learned how to pick locks. All you need is two paperclips (the strong kind not the oops I bent it by looking at it kind). Straighten both out. Fold one in half then make it into an L shape (with a very little bottom bar, maybe 4mm). The other just bend 3-4mm of the tip to a ~45 degree angle. Then Mr Towne will teach you the rest. Obvious disclaimer #2, only practice on locks YOU own

We built blowpipes and hunted birds/rats/mice. All you need is a long thin pvc pipe, sewing needles or bike spokes or anything like that, and paper to make cones on the end that are the size of your pipe.

We played Age Of Empires to death.
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We learned how to pick locks. All you need is two paperclips (the strong kind not the oops I bent it by looking at it kind). Straighten both out. Fold one in half then make it into an L shape (with a very little bottom bar, maybe 4mm). The other just bend 3-4mm of the tip to a ~45 degree angle. Then Mr Towne will teach you the rest. Obvious disclaimer #2, only practice on locks YOU own

This is something I actually kinda want to get into - would be a good skill to have I think. Got any tips on a decent lock pick set?
Buying an actual set can be a legal grey area depending on your country, so make sure you check that first.

To start off with, all you'd probably need are two picks: a classic short hook and a rake. See this pic (forget about the top one, just the bottom two).

The rake works like it sounds; put a slight tension on the lock with your tension wrench, then just shove the rake in and rake it back and forth. The idea being that most locks are so badly made with such loose tolerances, that simply jostling the pins around will get them to stick and and unlock. I've found that most locks outside are so badly cared for that you can almost accidentally unlock it by simply pretending the rake is a key. Literally insert and *oops* it's already open :( it really highlights how silly it is to think of something "locked" as "secure".

The other one is for when the rake doesn't work and you need to set each pin individually. Mr Towne will give you tons of great tips on how to feel out pins

edit: and I should add, start with a lock that doesn't have a massively long key; any of the usual brass little locks are great to start with.
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