Send SMS Messages When Emails Arrive

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Golden Master
Send SMS Messages When Emails Arrive

GSN SMS Notifier is a free software program that can be used to send SMS messages if emails arrive in a specified account. The software application currently supports both POP3 email accounts and Gmail which can both be configured in the interface. The SMS messages will be send using either ICQ or Skype. Sending SMS messages over ICQ is free while the Skype alternative requires Skype credits that will be used to send sms messages.
The utility has to be configured before it can be used. It uses a few configuration screens to configure the SMS provider and cell phone, the email account, filtering rules for the emails and an SMS template.
The default values are to check every 15 minutes for new emails int he configured account. The username and password of the ICQ account have to be added to the software. If the user selects Skype as the SMS provider nothing has to be configured as those information are taken directly from the Skype client.

Labels can be selected if Gmail is chosen as the account type. Both Gmail and POP3 have to be configured with the username and password. Two rules can be defined to process incoming emails only during a specific timeframe and/or by using a sender whitelist.
The program has to be running in the background to be able to check the email account regularly and send sms messages out if new emails have arrived that are matching the rules.
GSN SMS Notifier runs on Windows XP or Windows Vista and requires the Microsoft .net Framework 2.0.
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