Random Chit Chat

My new phone was out for delivery today. The UPS truck stopped in front of my house for a few minutes at 2 pm then took off. Later the status changing from "Out For Delivery" to "in Transit".

Damn fuck ups. :mad:
Well Deb has a package that has sit at Dallas for over a week now and it still hasn't made the trip. Friday afternoon after being on the phone she told them that she could have walked to that station and back with the package three times around while it sat there collecting dust. They said that she would have it Monday! Stupid postal service workers, have to get ahold of the postmaster general's to get something done.:rolleyes:
Well, if they give us a few thousand bucks, I am going all out. New motherboard, cpu and ram. Thinking a 450 or 570 board. That and a ryzen 5 3800X and say 16 gigs of ram not sure what speed of it. I can use everything I have in this build with a new board cpu and ram. Cel, what was the ram you got? Not sure which ran or brand. Will be using Asus motherboard. I will be moving into the 2020's with that build
Laziness. It is called laziness.
I'm sure part of it was due to laziness but mostly I think it was due to thinking, "I might need this one day". Even while I was shredding these papers I kept thinking, "What if I need this again?". I guess I could have scanned them all but that would take way more effort than shredding them!
Well, if they give us a few thousand bucks, I am going all out. New motherboard, cpu and ram. Thinking a 450 or 570 board. That and a ryzen 5 3800X and say 16 gigs of ram not sure what speed of it. I can use everything I have in this build with a new board cpu and ram. Cel, what was the ram you got? Not sure which ran or brand. Will be using Asus motherboard. I will be moving into the 2020's with that build

They are supposed to be releasing the B550 boards in the next month or so. Paul's Hardware has a good video on them on Youtube.
Thats good to know. Just FYI, there is nothing wrong with what i have right now. I just want to get updated to a better faster system. This one has served me well. Its a good system if it is over 10 years old. Was all new parts and added more new as i could. its over a couple of years old and the Board, Ram and cpu are really old compared to what is out there now. I could go for years now but am being bit by the bug to really update this computer. I am wondering what will be the next one after that. I love taking parts and building a new one. Everyone of my builds have been better than the last one. Guess we will have to wait and see.
Once you get that Ryzen system going you'll see what you've been missing. :D

Stuff for my PC came in today:

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