Potentially the longest thread in history...

I'm definitely gonna steal this off you when you've got a more finished product. I did look into messing with gnucash a few months ago when you mentioned it before but didn't get very far with it.

Changing the topic. I live my motorbike, but it's also forcing me to become mechanically inclined :sleep: with a car I just get in it and drive and then if something lights up on the dash like low oil, I add more oil :p and then I just carry on... nothing bad comes from having no mechanical knowledge.

But with my bike. Eurgh. I have to do stuff, because if I don't, very unsafe things happen :( gotta oil my chain every 200 miles. Okay it's not really that bad on the face of it. But I dont have a rear wheel paddock stand or bobbins, so I have to keep rolling the bike backwards and forwards down the street to expose all the chain. The thing gets ****ing filthy too, so I feel obliged to actually clean it properly each time rather than just adding lube ontop of all the road grime that's built up on it. So I spray it down with kerosene along with all the sprockets, then relube them with wd40 chain wax. Takes a good 30 minutes to remove the sprocket covers and chain guards etc.

Not only the chain, but have to carefully check tyre condition for damage, front and rear brake cables and whether they snag when turning handle bars (applying breaking unwittingly mid corner would be not so great). So much to do. It's basically "Best keep this thing in as good working order as possible to stop it trying to kill me quite so much" :grin:
I don't know what to do yet :p I thought the css is meant to take care of it all -_-
<div class="table-responsive">
    <table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped">

You must have some other class that's adding a border or modifying the border thickness.

I took the table from Bootstrap's example and added your classes, and it came out fine:

<div style="width: 500px">
  <div class="table-responsive">
    <table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-striped">
      <thead> <tr> <th>#</th> <th>First Name</th> <th>Last Name</th> <th>Username</th> </tr> </thead>
      <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row">1</th> <td>Mark</td> <td>Otto</td> <td>@mdo</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">2</th> <td>Jacob</td> <td>Thornton</td> <td>@fat</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">3</th> <td>Larry</td> <td>the Bird</td> <td>@twitter</td> </tr> </tbody>
So i'm at my dads today and last night. My sister is staying at my mums house where I normally am, she's came up from London for easter.

Well any way I have like 10 missed calls from her at 11am when I wakeup, so I call her. "A blue Fiat 500 was parked outside our house, the two girls in the car see me walk through the lounge, and they get out and run up to the window and start banging on it, so I ran up stairs, when I came back down they'd posted a package of sausages through the letterbox with random letters written on it, and driven off"


Neither of us know anyone with a Fiat 500 in blue, heck I don't even know any girls (apparently similar in age to me) other than one or two I work with.

****ing confused :\

wot 2 do
So i'm at my dads today and last night. My sister is staying at my mums house where I normally am, she's came up from London for easter.

Well any way I have like 10 missed calls from her at 11am when I wakeup, so I call her. "A blue Fiat 500 was parked outside our house, the two girls in the car see me walk through the lounge, and they get out and run up to the window and start banging on it, so I ran up stairs, when I came back down they'd posted a package of sausages through the letterbox with random letters written on it, and driven off"


Neither of us know anyone with a Fiat 500 in blue, heck I don't even know any girls (apparently similar in age to me) other than one or two I work with.

****ing confused :\

wot 2 do

What did the random letters say?

Change of subject.

You know how I'm tight on security! Is their any way to be even tighter. I could install Vera Crypt but thats just a night mare when having to boot the PC.

I'm pretty tight on some of my on line accounts but I'm getting at the likes of my browser. My hardware. Heck even some of you folks on hear would probably be able to get in too my system if you wanted. Is it hard to by pass a VPN.

What do you folks think of PFSence on a separate PC connected to my router.
I have used PF sence in the past... Once you get it connected and set up it is a lovely peice of equipment. The features alone are worth using it.
Yet I suggest having it set from your modem out to the rest of network,,
.. .. .. Yet I suggest having it set from your modem out to the rest of network ,,

I have Downloaded the software and was gonna put it on a separate PC. I thought you had to route your network threw that said PC then say for example the Clients ect;

So for example.

Router > PFSence > Clients ..


------------> PFSence
------------> Clients

As in having it actually separate. I thought it was a hardware Firewall.
Last edited:

Remember pfsence is your first line of defence.
Of sence is a hardware firewall with routing. So what I have done is when I get a PC. I end up putting in multiple Ethernet nic allowing me to branch off as a router. So essentially you would not need a router after pfsence box. Endless you would want wireless then use the routers but turn off DHCP
Spud, I suggest talking to c0rr0sive. I believe he setup a PFSense box as his firewall/router. I know he was working on setup instructions at one point as well.
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