Potentially the longest thread in history...

Does anyone else have a friend or family member that is just completely incapable of paying compliments, or praise, or any general kind of admission that you have something better or are better at something ?

I have one such friend, and my dad too actually but that's another story. Gets right on my nerves. Even the most trivial unimportant stuff, maybe i'm playing an FPS in coop with him, he'll die and then I kill 4 people epicly while he's spectating me. He'll just stay completely silent, even if you pulled off a sweet shot. Or he'll tell me about his new car and how fast it is, i'll reply saying yeah it's a cool car and whatever. But as soon as I speak about my car, he won't talk about any aspect of it that's better than his. My car is slightly faster, so he just never brings up the speed thing. Even though I know full well he is a speed freak and would love an even faster car, but can't possibly comment or admit that mine is... :p

Idk why people do it. It's like they think it's showing weakness or an admission of inferiority. But you not talking about it doesn't make it not true, it just makes you look really pathetic :lol:
Does anyone else have a friend or family member that is just completely incapable of paying compliments, or praise, or any general kind of admission that you have something better or are better at something ?

I have one such friend, and my dad too actually but that's another story. Gets right on my nerves. Even the most trivial unimportant stuff, maybe i'm playing an FPS in coop with him, he'll die and then I kill 4 people epicly while he's spectating me. He'll just stay completely silent, even if you pulled off a sweet shot. Or he'll tell me about his new car and how fast it is, i'll reply saying yeah it's a cool car and whatever. But as soon as I speak about my car, he won't talk about any aspect of it that's better than his. My car is slightly faster, so he just never brings up the speed thing. Even though I know full well he is a speed freak and would love an even faster car, but can't possibly comment or admit that mine is... :p

Idk why people do it. It's like they think it's showing weakness or an admission of inferiority. But you not talking about it doesn't make it not true, it just makes you look really pathetic :lol:

My sister just tried to bring attention back to her, usually in the form of a pity party. When I announced buying a house and my new job my sister just says "Oh well at least somebody in the family did something right". I'm like....really? Way to make it awkward.
I don't compliment people as much as I should for sure, mostly because I don't expect it from anyone so I don't think they should expect it from me.
That said, I do like it when someone verbally recognizes that I've done a good job on something, so I guess it's a bit two faced to not do the same :p yet another thing to work on :grin:

Went skating last night and landed my first (terrible) 360 shove it. I'm gonna start filming some sessions soon now that we don't *absolutely* suck :p
Managed to **** up going over a grass gap though and landed pretty heavily on my side near the end though, so got a colourful lookin thigh/hip/elbow on one side now lol

Also put in an application to buy a house :D it'll be a shared ownership with the govt to ease the financial strain, so the house costs $370k total but the govt will own 20% so I'll just need to pay $296k. HUGE difference.
Add to that the $15k first home owners grant and it becomes $281k.
Mortgage payment on that assuming a 15 year term and 3.89% interest rate = ~2k a month, and I'm already paying ~1.3k a month just for rent at my current place. No brainer :p
Only problem is I don't have enough saved to make a 20% deposit, which is the minimum if you want to avoid mortgage insurance (extra ~1.3% rate payable :/).

edit: OMG HOLY CRAP, because it's a shared ownership and the govt owns 20% of the property, that counts as a "20% deposit" towards the total property value anyway, meaning no extra rate needs to be paid! ****ING YEAAAAAAASSSSSS XDXDXD there goes my last reservation!
I don't compliment people as much as I should for sure, mostly because I don't expect it from anyone so I don't think they should expect it from me.
That said, I do like it when someone verbally recognizes that I've done a good job on something, so I guess it's a bit two faced to not do the same :p yet another thing to work on :grin:

Went skating last night and landed my first (terrible) 360 shove it. I'm gonna start filming some sessions soon now that we don't *absolutely* suck :p
Managed to **** up going over a grass gap though and landed pretty heavily on my side near the end though, so got a colourful lookin thigh/hip/elbow on one side now lol

Also put in an application to buy a house :D it'll be a shared ownership with the govt to ease the financial strain, so the house costs $370k total but the govt will own 20% so I'll just need to pay $296k. HUGE difference.
Add to that the $15k first home owners grant and it becomes $281k.
Mortgage payment on that assuming a 15 year term and 3.89% interest rate = ~2k a month, and I'm already paying ~1.3k a month just for rent at my current place. No brainer :p
Only problem is I don't have enough saved to make a 20% deposit, which is the minimum if you want to avoid mortgage insurance (extra ~1.3% rate payable :/).

edit: OMG HOLY CRAP, because it's a shared ownership and the govt owns 20% of the property, that counts as a "20% deposit" towards the total property value anyway, meaning no extra rate needs to be paid! ****ING YEAAAAAAASSSSSS XDXDXD there goes my last reservation!

Just $2k aud a month... that's like... 65% of my net salary after tax....


I only have about £350 a month disposable income ATM. That'll go up to £450 a month in June, and then when my car goes back in Jan 2019 it'll go up to about £1000 a month (taking into account a few other things, not just my car lease) - finally enough to consider being able to afford living somewhere :p That's assuming I save up a few grand and buy an old beater car.
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Just $2k aud a month... that's like... 65% of my net salary after tax....

It's about 62% of mine, and I'll still have money budgeted for savings. Wtf are you spending all your money on :p

Plus, you can rent out a couple rooms in the house. You'll easily get 135 per room, which brings your payment down to $920 a month, normally lowers the cost of utility bills per person too.

I'd probably supplement my mortgage payments though instead of decreasing the payments out of my own account, there's a weird thing with loans where the first age is spent hardly making a dent simply due to the interest accruing on that massive loan monthly being pretty much equal to your 2k repayment :p
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