Potentially the longest thread in history...

Hehe, I do apologize all. I was in a particularly ****ty mood that day and was distracting myself. I started a bunch of dumb arguments on Facebook too about hunting and tree cutting being equally bad too. :p
All I know is :

I am REALLY TIRED of being fat and the Holidays don't help. My patient's keep bringing me Gluten free treats - Cant they see I am a FAT guys already!! Gained 50 pounds since being Diagnosed three years ago with this weird Autoimmune disease and having to be on high levels of Steroids for the first year. Between the Steroids/Chemo and my prior issues with Hypothyroidism - I cant seem to lose any weight. Diet for a week= lose about 2 pounds- have a few adult beverages one night with a snack and boom - the next day the 2 pounds are back.
Well I'm back at work and already 2017 is being ****ty. ****in 2016S, called it last week. On the up, if I decide to move the time I get here up 30 minutes I'll get even more OT.
I sent off my email for a salary review this morning. I wonder when/if I'll hear a response? Currently on £20k, should really be on £40k given what I earn the company but doubt I'll get £25k if I get anything at all.
I sent off my email for a salary review this morning. I wonder when/if I'll hear a response? Currently on £20k, should really be on £40k given what I earn the company but doubt I'll get £25k if I get anything at all.

Good luck. It took me 7 months. I hope yours is quicker :p
Well I'm back at work and already 2017 is being ****ty. ****in 2016S, called it last week. On the up, if I decide to move the time I get here up 30 minutes I'll get even more OT.
Scratch this, wishy washy boss just said he can't approve any of my OT. Really starting to ****ing hate this place.
Welp the Germany leg of my trip has wrapped up for now, currently on the train otw to Berlin to catch a plane to Lithuania -_- dis gonna be interesting...weather is meant to hit -26c at times. That's a 67c difference from when I left home :p
I'll post up some pics when I get somewhere with better internet again
dis gonna be interesting...weather is meant to hit -26c at times. That's a 67c difference from when I left home :p

I was gonna ask, why would an Australian use Fahrenheit? Then I realised that DAMN, you're not.

Are you going to be in the UK for this trip?
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