Potentially the longest thread in history...

Re: Today I have...

It's entirely possible IMO.

I mentioned this int eh longest thread, but need an opinion.

My boss said I could have this Dell PowerEdge 1600SC server for $10. It has dual 2.0GHz Xeons, 3x512MB RAM, 3x36GB SCSI drives, 1x74GB SCSI drive. If I get it I want to use it as a media server so I will have to get at least one SATA controller card for it so I can put my media drives in it, and probably keep at least the 74GB drive for the OS. I will also need to replace the intake/exhaust fans as they are loud.

Is it worth the trouble?

Honestly, it depends... I would set the 3x36GB SCSI drives up into a RAID5 array, and install the OS onto the 74GB drive, and back that upto the RAID array. It would never serve as an HTPC as it just isn't powerful enough. CPU wise it's OK, but it would need a very nice GPU, and servers don't really have the resources or power for a GOOD GPU, at least, old ones.

You COULD get a PCI-X SATAII controller that has an ESATA port, get a few large drives, setup an FTP server, and have a go at it. It COULD be somewhat cost-productive if you use it as a central mass storage since it already has a Gigabit NIC built in, just build a super small, low powered modern PC for the HTPC end of it. If you need some memory for it, I MIGHT have some laying around. I have been getting a lot of older goodies from a company that is upgrading like crazy here lately. Buddy had a huge box full of good tested RAM from old ECC 133SDRAM upto DDR3 1333 ECC in various sizes.

But using that as the actual HTPC in the end, for displaying video, unless it's SD video, might be a bit hard on it unless you can find a good PCI-X GPU that can handle HD video....

I WILL say this, SCSI drives get expensive compared to SATA/SAS, you may want to consider grabbing one spare, just in case you have an issue... But those machines go for $300-$400 used to this day if it's in good condition, and there is no telling what else could be hiding in it that costs a small fortune. I got lucky and grabbed a server for $25 from someone, had 8 controllers with a used sell value of $350 each, sold all those off to pay a few bills, though I wish I had kept one of them right about now.
Re: Today I have...

I went ahead and bought the server anyway. It has a PCI-X SCSI controller card in it as well that I didn't realize was there. I have no idea what I may use it for as of right now, though
But..but.. I never did any exercise last time, and lost easily just by eating less.

Physics says eating less calories than your burn should make you lose calories. But, I will probably try do a little exercise anyway, as much as I cant be bothered with it I know it can only help.

Yeah, dieting sucks. You seem to have it easy though, at over 2k calories? My doctor put me on a 1400 calorie diet. :| And I have specific foods I can and can't eat, a whole friggin' chart...5 starches, 3 fruits, 3 non-starchy vegetables, 3 fats, 2 milks, 6oz of meat. Also put me on medication that's supposed to manage my hunger.

The only up shot is it's working. I've lost nearly 30 pounds in a little over a month now, and that's without exercise...I don't really have time to hit the gym since after work I hate everything and want to relax. But while it's working I feel dead and empty inside. :| Like, even though my body tells me it's not hungry nearly as often, even when I only eat scraps, my brain knows I should be hungry eating so little. It's an epic fight between my body and the medicine sometimes.
Re: Today I have...

Extremely hard to really explain without lots of rude and crude words. Had to take the kid to his grandmas work to drop him off yesterday so that means driving on one of the busiest highways during lunch rush. I was in the lane that was an exit only to the road I needed. The lane next me had a huge yellow sign that said lane ends 500ft. I was coming up to where that lane ended with this ******* decided he wanted to fly up my side and try to butt his way in. I simply drove more to the left of him closing the gap between me and the car in front of me. Doing this resulted in my mirror hitting his and our cars scraping a bit. I then noticed that a firetruck was blocking my lane and causing the jam up so basically the ******* should have not only stayed in my lane to begin with but merge to the lane to the left of us instead of trying to cut me off.
Re: Today I have...

I went ahead and bought the server anyway. It has a PCI-X SCSI controller card in it as well that I didn't realize was there. I have no idea what I may use it for as of right now, though

Like I said a bit ago, you could use it as a huge file server, or, part it out, or, if I ever go to TN sell it to me xD
My dieting isn't really working as quick as it should so I am going to cut back a couple hundred calories down to 2000, maybe 1900 if I can manage it.

30 pounds in a month is VERY impressive though ! you should be very happy with that. I have drastically reduced the crap I eat. I used to drink two liters of chocolate milkshake within the first 2 days of food shopping. It's been about 8 days and there is still 1 and a half liters left. I am not really touching traditional chocolate bars. I am eating Keloggs Special K bars, they are actually still around 100cals like a normal chocolate bar, but instead of being totally unhealthy, they are made of bran, wheat and that kind of thing - drizzled in a small amount of chocolate. So atleast they are a bit healthy. I am not eating too many of them anyway.

I have totally cut out eating between 12am and 6am when I usually sit at my PC, get bored, go grab a very unhealthy stack. I bet I used to eat 500 to 1000 calories in the early hours of the morning before bed. So not eating at all then is a little odd but not too hard.

I did just have an 1100 calorie curry though :p I made it myself. One onion, one pepper, 500grams of tomatoes, 200grams of chicken, spices, 10grams of coconut milk, 50ml of low fat yogurt, and basmati rice. 2/3rds of the calories are in the chicken and rice, the meal is actually pretty nutritious and not that unhealthy, just a shame its a **** tonne of calories. I had only eaten one bowl of Muesli prior to that, and shall not be eating again until much later. I will still come in under 2000 calories today.
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