Potentially the longest thread in history...

Pretty annoyed right now.

I just done my first weekly weigh in after I started my diet. I did exactley as the diet app suggested. To maintain my weight it suggested someone of my size would need to eat 2950calories a day. So it told me to eat 2215calories a day. So I stuck to that strictly. I woke up and had breakfast which I do not normally do, ate nothing till I had a ~500 calorie lunch, eat nothing till an 800 calorie dinner, then I would have a couple hundred calories left so would have a small treat i.e. a few pieces of chocolate. Then that is it, I would stop till the next day. But what the heck, I weigh the exact damn ******* same as before :madd: I swear I normally eat TWICE what I am eating on this diet.

It seems I am going to have to step things up :( not only will I knock it down from 2215cals a day to 2000, I wont eat any chocolate, sweets, candy or whatever, and maybe I will even have to do some exercise.

Just seems crappy that last time I dieted I did the exact same thing as this, just ate the same food but a lot less of it and I was losing 3 or 4 lbs a week. I don't know whats changed but it sucks harsh :madd:
Pretty annoyed right now.

I just done my first weekly weigh in after I started my diet. I did exactley as the diet app suggested. To maintain my weight it suggested someone of my size would need to eat 2950calories a day. So it told me to eat 2215calories a day. So I stuck to that strictly. I woke up and had breakfast which I do not normally do, ate nothing till I had a ~500 calorie lunch, eat nothing till an 800 calorie dinner, then I would have a couple hundred calories left so would have a small treat i.e. a few pieces of chocolate. Then that is it, I would stop till the next day. But what the heck, I weigh the exact damn ******* same as before :madd: I swear I normally eat TWICE what I am eating on this diet.

It seems I am going to have to step things up :( not only will I knock it down from 2215cals a day to 2000, I wont eat any chocolate, sweets, candy or whatever, and maybe I will even have to do some exercise.

Just seems crappy that last time I dieted I did the exact same thing as this, just ate the same food but a lot less of it and I was losing 3 or 4 lbs a week. I don't know whats changed but it sucks harsh :madd:

Eating healthy is just one part of it. You won't lose much if you aren't exercising as well. Even if you aren't trying to lose weight, you should be exercising regularly.
But..but.. I never did any exercise last time, and lost easily just by eating less.

Physics says eating less calories than your burn should make you lose calories. But, I will probably try do a little exercise anyway, as much as I cant be bothered with it I know it can only help.
But..but.. I never did any exercise last time, and lost easily just by eating less.

Physics says eating less calories than your burn should make you lose calories. But, I will probably try do a little exercise anyway, as much as I cant be bothered with it I know it can only help.

If you just cut back on the calories, your body is going to adjust eventually, but you're not exercising so where is the fat going to go? Take an e-run every other night, and nights you don't run try to do some kind of core workout or lifting. If you want to get back in shape, lose some of the fat, but after you lose some start lifting and turn it into muscle :thumbsup:
Re: Today I have...

I can't give a link in a public forum, it's basically the "how we plan on making the MOST money out of the consumer while making sure we crush our competition" roadmap... They have plans around 2014 or 2015 to add in DVR functions... They literally want it to be the device that controls ALL your entertainment... If ya think about it, that would be good, because M$ would have a huge collection of data, from your personal life they could sell off to advertisers... o.0 Good for microsoft that is.
Re: Today I have...

Isnt that just the document talking about xbox 720 expansion and how they are going to introduce different things up till 2015 ?
Re: Today I have...

I can't give a link in a public forum, it's basically the "how we plan on making the MOST money out of the consumer while making sure we crush our competition" roadmap... They have plans around 2014 or 2015 to add in DVR functions... They literally want it to be the device that controls ALL your entertainment... If ya think about it, that would be good, because M$ would have a huge collection of data, from your personal life they could sell off to advertisers... o.0 Good for microsoft that is.

I saw that. They're marketing his thing kinda like Sony marketed the PS3: An all around entertainment device. The thing is, Sony didn't try to make it your TV as well, an their marketing actually worked. Makes me glad I'm a Playstation guy...
Re: Today I have...

It is a roadmap, but it details HOW they plan on squashing the console, and one thing it mentioned was the out-dated DVD drive and a need for Blu-Ray, along with 3d support and a whole bunch of other crap.

I just know it BETTER have a freaking gigabit nic :-\
Re: Today I have...

The document really wasn't that bad if anyone thinks Microsoft are the only company with these plans then they are fooling themselves. Google, Apple, Nintendo, Sony maybe even Samsung are going to have these kind of plans in mind.

Treatment towards PS3 is disgusting. By all accounts it is a more powerful platform, yet it nearly always has inferior ports on multiplatform games. Devs make all these ******** excuses about why the PS3 is version is worse, and yet the 1st party games on PS3 are incredible compared to 360. 1st party games show what the PS3 is capable of if the devs could be bothered. I wish they would just admit the truth, 360 is more successful in the western market especially NA and UK, and that is where all the popular RPG's and FPS games sell well. 360 versions of most multiplat games outsell PS3 versions 2:1. It's an unfortunate truth.

Sony's weak point is the UI is not as attractive as that on the Xbox. PSN is getting better but it is still plagued by issues compared to Xbox Live. Also, Sony can not match Microsofts marketing budget - no way. They are losing billions while microsoft is making many many billions.

The only way Sony will win next gen is by have 3 things: A substantially more powerful system, not even debateable. It's power advantage needs to be obvious from day 1. It also needs to release before the next xbox, for a good price. And then it needs a solid interface, and better online system.

Fortunately, atleast 2 of the 3 are very likely.
Re: Today I have...

The document really wasn't that bad if anyone thinks Microsoft are the only company with these plans then they are fooling themselves. Google, Apple, Nintendo, Sony maybe even Samsung are going to have these kind of plans in mind.

Treatment towards PS3 is disgusting. By all accounts it is a more powerful platform, yet it nearly always has inferior ports on multiplatform games. Devs make all these ******** excuses about why the PS3 is version is worse, and yet the 1st party games on PS3 are incredible compared to 360. 1st party games show what the PS3 is capable of if the devs could be bothered. I wish they would just admit the truth, 360 is more successful in the western market especially NA and UK, and that is where all the popular RPG's and FPS games sell well. 360 versions of most multiplat games outsell PS3 versions 2:1. It's an unfortunate truth.

Sony's weak point is the UI is not as attractive as that on the Xbox. PSN is getting better but it is still plagued by issues compared to Xbox Live. Also, Sony can not match Microsofts marketing budget - no way. They are losing billions while microsoft is making many many billions.

The only way Sony will win next gen is by have 3 things: A substantially more powerful system, not even debateable. It's power advantage needs to be obvious from day 1. It also needs to release before the next xbox, for a good price. And then it needs a solid interface, and better online system.

Fortunately, atleast 2 of the 3 are very likely.
A ton of people hate the Xbox dashboard. It's confusing (riddled with ads), it lags, it is stupid and unnecessary, and in between the last 2 times I had used my Xbox they switched it up twice.
Also, Sony don't think it necessary to release the PS4 any time soon. So they are stepping on their own feet that way.
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